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zara 4

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I have a friend who I classed as my best mate.we told each other everything and was thick as thieves together.Anyway last year she slept with an ex boyfriend of mine.The thing that hurt the most was...
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Any early risers going to be up to see 06:06:06 click by?? I think "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden needs a playing
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who is going to watch it tomorow>? i want to go and see it !!
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Please please please, can someone tell me what i have seen the woman who plays Chelseas mum in Eastenders in. Its driving me nuts everytime she's on. Thanks in advance cause i know the clever ABers...
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I have just sucked up a big spider with my hoover. I am very scared of them and my boyfriend is not here to empth it for me. Will the spider crawl out when I turn the hoover off or is it likely it...
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zara 4
In next couple of weeks i'm gonna have my garden back off the dogs,got turf coming but what bush'es can i have out back,gonna have some flowers but not too many as thats just inviting wasps in the...
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Could someone please advise me on whether i would be more likely to be offered a medical or surgical termintion? First appointment to say a termination is needed tomorrow, and am guessing between 5...
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i've just heard theres going to be a big punch up between the incredible hulk, giant haystacks and mr t whos your money on its giant haystacks for me
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Which in your opinion are the best and worst?
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zara 4
can anyone tell me why when we're out in our car,a vauxhall astra,we can be driving along fine when suddenly the immobiliser will kick in and we end up kangarooing down the road,we will pull in and...
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who on the telly did you have your first crush on mine was the beautiful susan george what a woman (wonder what shes up to today)
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zara 4
Ok hands up who's gonna go see the 'Omen' remake on 6,6,06?????????????????Tempted, but gonna stick with the original one as i have connections with some of the stars of the...
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does anyone know approximately how long these last? is it an all evening type of thing or do they run to a schedule of a few hours? its just that i have to go to one tonight, but i'd like to go to the...
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If you are going to have a section for football, then how about a much more sensible one. I propose that we have a sperate section for C R O C K E T.
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was it on last night (fri) i it was on then who got booted??? is it on at the weekend?
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zara 4
What was it sharon called rebecca when she was sending them home,,,the captain and who??
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I got a massive 21 txt messges last night some of thewm from people saying they thought I was sweet and hoping I won the bet.However most of them were from men and contained sexual content.And no Mr...
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We are both the same age, i am recently single and he is with a girl he has been with for 5 years. Anyway, everytime we go out together, he pulls girls....whereas I dont. We are about the same level...
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Hiya, I have just found out I am pregnant. I have afro hair that needs relaxing. I don't want to do this for the first three months. Anyone have any ideas on a low maintenance solution for the next...
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ive got no idea how long the Answer Bank has been running and was wondering if we could establish who holds the the crown as longest server ! 7th Feb 2006 for me.

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