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amykyle | 22:09 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
84 Answers
O.K sorry to go on about her this is my last post on her ever but I have been told to tell you that sexyrussian is on myspace and has the url I am NOT sexyrussian despite what you think me and Whiffey are just her friends.She just wanted you to know and do not lie you will go to that url!!!!!!!!!!


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Come on you guys! It's taken her 2 years to put her CV across doh.....

Funny, no mention of which side of the church she sits on!!
Id shag her
Is this a religious debate? I'm on the last pew on the other side!
Could we form 2 lines ? Who has shagged her and who would like to.

Snappy get into line there the noo !
She looks like one of the Riddlers ;o)
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Yeah, going by a more recent post looks like their coming out of the woodwork.........

I thought the silly season was August?
Well Whiffey Ive shagged her, but want another go. So which line should I stand in ?

I'm on whitever side gets me laid! :D
I do seriously fear for whiffeys mental health, Ward ~ it appears that he is turning into a russian goon...
actually she does have a look of myself when i was young, which of course was in the late 1970s and my hair was blonder and my skirts shorter, tell u what , this is more surreal than watching old episodes of Sapphire and Steel. WM stop me now before we start to accept this thing is a real persona (ps this is dotty in alluring green lol)
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Don't insult the whiffster....! He's one of the most intellgent people I've ever met online.... He's an unflinchingly honest, unbackstabbing, true to his word, straightdowntheline, honest to goodness gentleman.

Yes, a gentleman...I wish there were more like him.

Just don't go there. Total Class
You're right Snappy, Whiffey is a gent, as are you, welcome back to AB by the way, where've you been?
W~M, I have been a bit worried about you of late, as indeed has your local W.I., for whom I sketch occasional postcards one of which will no doubt be delivered to you at Christmas by some spotty peasant, whom you would normally shoot through the letter box. They have loads of sizes of your reading glasses in stock and also a few of those other things that you blow up.

Who insulted him? I love whiffey but he is worrying me!
i don't get it, isn't whiffy suppose to be SR friend. i have seen post where is is upset for her and is defending her. now he is insulting her, i thought he was her friend.
That is odd, really odd......

Over the last few days several different ABers queried his gender....came across rather effeminate?

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