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amykyle | 22:09 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
84 Answers
O.K sorry to go on about her this is my last post on her ever but I have been told to tell you that sexyrussian is on myspace and has the url I am NOT sexyrussian despite what you think me and Whiffey are just her friends.She just wanted you to know and do not lie you will go to that url!!!!!!!!!!


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I think it's awful the way some of you don't believe what you read just because it's a given person. Surely a good attitude in life is to believe everything you are told until and unless it is shown to be rubbish.

I never found the prosecution convincing, therefore I believe what I see. Unfortunately it's a mugshot so we can't see if she is pregnant.
I never said it wasnt her.Just a few questions Whiffey - why did she want us to know her profile by getting another ABer to tell us - why not tell us herself?? Profile sez she is Czech - she said she was Russian,Profile sez she doesnt want kids,she says she is pregnant-----need I go on???
It has been shown to be rubbish, whiffey ~ therefore I don't believe her!

My first instincts on my first 'meeting' with 11233455/SR/SS/PR/PB were correct. I don't give a flying fig if it is her in the profile. She is a big fat liar & has hurt many with her bile. If you are comfortable with having a mate who feels the need to try and gain approval by lying through her teeth, shooting people down as she goes along then that's fine ~ it's your life :o)

She isn't gaining any friends from the tennis forum, the only ones interested in her are the transparent blokes who want to shag the photo. In fact, she isn't popular at all because she has no real interest in the game.
Ah ha !! So you've been reading the tennis forum as well !

Has she been around earlier under previous names then ? I didn't know that.

Anyway, we must move on, it was just a passing phase, back now to peace and quiet.

I havent seen any tennis forum,all I know is that she does NOT go to Oxford Uni as she insists,and as Nox sez,that pic is a very familiar one....
I read it yesterday, whiffey ~ when the link was provided. I haven't hidden that little snippet of info, as most of you are aware ;o)

I have stated that I looked just the once ~ ok, so it took me a good 15 minutes to read all the posts but in that time I gathered the info I required. ie Not a lesbian, bisexual but prefers men, is not Russian,and other rubbish I forget..LOL. She is also gathering boyfriends over there, so your days are probably numbered matey :o(

yes, she has been around under previous names, which is how this crap all started. Under those names she lied through her teeth too ~ she was a psychiatrist, apparently? anyway, that is all old news whiff.
I've done a bit of reading round as well, and I am inclining to the popular view too.

I hope we don't get any more like her, because I am gullible and tend to believe everything I read then I end up looking stupid.
OH PURLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enough!!! she does NOT exist!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sexy Russian is a made up personna of someone who wanted to have a bit of fun at our expense but i feel it has all come crashing down! There is NO such person!!!!!!!
I think we have all gathered that now, unrulie :o)

Thank the Lord!!!!
Well, I don't mind people having fun at my expense, because it is actually a 2-way thing, and I got rather a lot of fun in return.

I like pretending to be stupid, I have had loads of practice and I think I do it credibly well. Plenty of people tell me so all the time.

Q. How long does it take to change a user name and post a reply?

A. 7-9 Minutes!!

Have we ALL got it though Pippa???? i think there is still someone on here, not too far away who seems to be carrying on the pretence! and its doing my head in!!!!! arghhh
Julie - Im with you hun - there is nooooo such person,it is a wind up that has ran its course!!
Julie that wasn't really fair on caz now, was it.

And caz, why not just be 2 (or more) people at exactly the same time. We manage it anyway, as did Napoleon and Eric Armitage.

whiffey, you know full well who that was aimed at and it certainly wasn't caz, in fact, it is because of her that i had my thoughts confirmed!!!!!!. we dont have to go down that road again do we? Thats about as dull as the whole SR thing now! Go back to W~Ms 2nd post and he is spot on!
The one that really gets me, is AmyKyle and Whiffey always know everything about SR!

like when her birthday is, when she is leaving and where she is going (tennis forum) and exactly what URL she uses on my space! and SR never tells us herself!

Thats enough evidence for me!

Right, i'm done outting people for now!
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
"DEEESSSSPERADOOOO.....why don't you come to your's so lame now, and it's all toooo late"

Can't wait to see what crap you will come up will next Amwhiseykxyffrusylsien

Snakey-poo, I was having a bad day there, but it'll do.

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