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amykyle | 22:09 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
84 Answers
O.K sorry to go on about her this is my last post on her ever but I have been told to tell you that sexyrussian is on myspace and has the url I am NOT sexyrussian despite what you think me and Whiffey are just her friends.She just wanted you to know and do not lie you will go to that url!!!!!!!!!!


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Whiffey - get your arse (or ass ha ha) onto msn now !!!
Oh aww !! I am so touched by your friendship, you lovely people. I have just been scraping out my underpants around the spring onions and I came back indoors to all this lovely friendly stuff.

I feel deeply moved, which is all to the benefit of the vegetables :)
Goon me now, whiffey :o)
Ditto what W~M said.

T'is an odd state of affairs.

Mental health... hmmm...

Just my opinion.

End of.
William: This lamp-post's gonna be a boon. You see, at the present, I have to walk ten miles every night to the one in the village.
Seagoon: Eh?
William: I keep a dog, you see.

what was the point of that - a mostly empty profile made a few hours ago, so what - you are now going to be boring people in a whole new website, well done you... yawn
Hi boo....I've been a bit busy and no doubt will be again....But...hiya! *waves*
Nightie night, whiffs - catch you soon xxx. Mango rules ok !!
I've never had a bad word to say against her. Can i be first in the queue...?
I have seen that girl before and I WILL remember where.
SexyRussian is soooooooooo pretty , she;s my new best friend.. we shall run gay through grass fields holding hands like fairy princesses.......
Ya ********... just like that pic.
My ********** word.. was Bu!!Sh!t
Oh for Gods Sake! Forget about SR and get on with your lives, as Iggy says...Yawn and flippin boring!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Kay...
Its not surprising she only has 1friend on her my space. Poor Tom. She aint a natural blonde anyway
I hope your memory is jogged soon, nox!
Morning Pippa.Isnt this a load of old s***!! Anybody can make up a profile!
Oh I know Pink :o)

it's not a common occurance for me to relish a thread about SR..however after seeing her post on the other forum and looking at what she has been saying to others, I have to say it's hysterical!!!

Is she still pregnant by the way? I just wondered as she is accepting dates from blokes now and has been offered a trip to New York ;o)

And please don't anyone flame me ~ this is general banter!
Oh, and good morning! isn't it great now it is a little cooler...aaahhhhhh.
we have just had the most massive thunderstorm!! By the way,just checked that link/profile again,and it was created - yesterday!!!

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