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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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Neenee | 23:42 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
161 Answers
is there a big thread somewhere else that im missing out on... or is it generally just quiet in here tonight?


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ems.... do you still put them on each finger and eat them off one by one????
I do that neenee!
how else would you eat them? :)
Oh yes EMS..... ta very muchly...
Question Author
i know... its like mcdonalds chips.... how do you eat those....

do anyone eat two at a time or one at a time???

i always eat two at a time lol
(sends hulahoops through cyber space) here you go :)
can i please have a hulahoop EMS :-)
i don't eat too many macdonalds chips actually i can't remember the last time i even went into MacD
EMS, they landed on me fingers the hell did you manage that!!!...... ;-)
(sends many hulahoops through cyber space for all to share) hulahoops for all! :)
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oh ems.... rainy days and school holidays.... ive been there a number of times the last few weeks.....

i rarely purchase a meal.... just help eat my daughters happymeal with her lol
its a skill :D
Question Author
thankyou ems...... ;-)
I've never eaten anything from macdonalds.....but I love the french fries from the local kebab shop. :)
you're welcome neenee
didnt want to start a new thread asking what it is incase it got some kind of backlash since it seems to be causing lots of trouble - but what is this Marlboro contest or quiz or puzzle thing that people keep asking the questions from? i have no idea what it is, but it seems that people are getting really aggravated about it all.
Anybody got any pringles.
thanks EMS
i have some wheat crunchies
to be fair there isn't really a MacD that near to where i live

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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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