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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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Neenee | 23:42 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
161 Answers
is there a big thread somewhere else that im missing out on... or is it generally just quiet in here tonight?


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Hi missjef.
It's a contest in the US run by Marlboro cigarette company.
Apparently there's a million dollar prize.
Happens every year, but it runs for 2 weeks and this is just the beginning!
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redbel, i had a kebab on sat... lovely it was..

kebab meat, all the salad, chilli sause, bbq sauce, loads of chips.... and extra coleslaw... yum yum!!

not too keen on kebabs. or anything spicy for that matter :/
thanks drestie i thought it might be something like that but just wanted to be sure.
i wouldnt think there would be that many people from the US on here really?
Neenee, you are making me hungry now..... :)
i think it is mostly people from UK but i suppose there must be a fair few from US. i only found this site about a month ago when i was searching google for something and now i'm here
EMS where are you from our Estie is from the US
can i borrow some sugar please??

whats this?........a party?
i'm from the west country. Ol' Zummerzet :) not that i've got the accent tho
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one lump or two rugeley??
1 please.........i am looking after my figure!!
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what you having with your one lump of sugar?
so whiffey is the doc eh? nearly got away with that one lol
hi guys sorry to barge in, but a quick question
do you think dr chanra is whiffey?
look at the response the doc. give in vortex 's question.
Oh soz EMS....just realised I didn't read missjef's reply above mine..... :(
is he??? how do you know??

neenee.....medicine? i saw something that says it helps it go down??
well spotted chiswicik i told several that on msn 2 hours ago maybe they are all asleep tonight
tis fine me dear :)
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the doc that retired today after 33 years ???? is whiffey??

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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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