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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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Neenee | 23:42 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
161 Answers
is there a big thread somewhere else that im missing out on... or is it generally just quiet in here tonight?


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retired after 33 years but only qualified in 1989
Wait a min let me do the math (33-1989 carry the 2) wait a sec that doesn't tally with my answer :) whats going on :/
I can't stand it when people think we were all stood behind the door when the brains were given out it really insults our intelligence, (present company included)
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yeah i wondered that too dot, i was watching that thread as it was going on... it didnt make sence .

do you think it really was whiffey ? i see the answer mentioning the hbai thing....
whatevewr that is, someone has been researching eh?
someone asks you a question that you happen to know the answer to like that makes u wonder who is who and how many
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yeah i reckon so
i dont know if anyone knows this........... but i hate whiffey!!! he is a very sad person!!
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how old is he?
Just read the Dr threads.....surely that must be against the law to use someone elses credentials....even if it is only pixel land.
hi all!!! hey redbel...what are we gonna do now there is no big bro!!!!! aaaaaargh!!!! the whiffster has been at it again!!!! sad sad sad little man/woman/thing!!
thanks dotty, makes me feel better knowing that someone else noticed that also.
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Hiya wonderwoman...long time no speak....I know....well at least the housework is getting done now... :)... Oh and we do have X Factor btw..... hee hee...xx
i forgot about x factor!!!! its not the same though!!!!

hi mr are you this fine evening? xx
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DotH I have been watching you(not in a stalking way) you are a very perceptive person, If you told me black was really white I would believe you.
100% behind you W~M?

perhaps this shows him in a different light,and all the folks who think he is ok will now wonder??
personally i wouldn't mind a break from big brother. the only series i watched was the 2nd after that i lost interest

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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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