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What do you all look like ?

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smi_ffy | 21:17 Tue 02nd Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
62 Answers
I was just wondering. Can you please post a photo of yourself ?


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You know Ray winstone?

Fcuk all like him:-}
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Oh look, it's the "boxer" with the attitude.

Been taking tips off JL have you ?

I would rather have attitude than be like you wanting to ''perv'' at peoples pictures
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Sorry folks not me I found it on Google Images.
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Don't lie. You have saved all previous to your C drive. I have proof !
Qucik phone the mental health team, I think we need an assessment.

To pussnboots, that gal must be american and according to the prin ting only taken 10 years ago. I wonder if she has the same hair?
hey!!! who gives a wotsit wot we look like, i`m happy with being a secret, so if anyone posts their piccie, more fool them for listening to smiffy the wiffy with no friends
dotty- the person who posted Jan Bugs piccy was ronniemondo, who as far as im aware isn't smi_ffy.

Regarding the 13 yr old kids parent - did you mean Madison?
Now don;t confuse me B00 i was doing ok up to then. lol
rofl, dotty- sorry.

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for gawd sake whiffey, give your multple personalities a break
cazzzzzzzzz1976 I am not the culprit here, but I can tell you who is. smi_ffy is just a dead herring, the real people you should be looking at are 4GS, 4getmenot (see, each starts with 4, which is very suspicious), and astonishingly, leg end, who is the driving force when sober. I don't know why it is permitted to go on. Trust me, you know it makes sense.

Just to further cloud the issue- i'm almost certain that smiffy was around wayyyyyy before 4get, John Lambert and even Legend.
its all about writing style whiff, something you and a dozen or so "new members" seem to share
im eating monster munch
A cross between a confused gibbon and Shrek.

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