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What do you all look like ?

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smi_ffy | 21:17 Tue 02nd Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
62 Answers
I was just wondering. Can you please post a photo of yourself ?


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No, smiffy is a latter-day turd, and appears what is more to have sodded offline to have a meaningful evening, which leaves the coast clear for me and anybody else who wants to join in to call smiffy a spotty bumhead.
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But I am you am I not whiffey ?
any minute now whi_ffy will do his weekly ''i'm leaving''!
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Isn't that on a Wednesday ?
-- answer removed --
It all gets a bit ground hog threatening to leave, Whiffey keeps asking what we all look like...opps I mean Whiffey threatening to leave, you asking us what we look like. I loose track smiffola, I loose track buddy. olly.gif

this is me, really it is smiffy wiffy
This is me:

If you want to be me you have to PROVE it.

whiffey plays the protector of all things good on ab yet comes out with his cutting vulgar comments from time to time, id cheerfully rip his throat out of i ever met him
try this one, this was a piccie taken last week
But apart from that ^^^ bob adores whiffey ;-)
i have just been to the late shop and i bought a bag of greenhalgh's chocolate donuts and if this arguing doesn't stop i will eat them all.
Thanks for the good wishes bob. You'll never meet me of course, which leaves you more time to post the terminally boring trivia you litter AB with.

Who is your most fave fave bestest ABer ever ?
Have you ever seen Cat Deeley's knickers ?
Has Anne Robinson ever winked at you ?
Are you a completely boring fart ?
Things going smoothly here tonight again then!

*skips merrily through thread looking for her happy place*
now there is ab in a nutshell i have been here on and off for an hour posting my usual inane rubbish and no one pays attention, i then post a nasty comment and people respond hence why certain posters get 675 replies despite everyone supposedly hating them and another can post about cancer and get 2 cobweb ridden replies
to be fair whiffey i dont know you, you could drop dead tomorrow and id still be reading the side of my cereal box in the mornings as per usual
I see ITV commentators are doing the usual ar$e licking of manure bob.

One of them said that if manure beat the pie eaters on saturday, they will go top and normal service will be resumed.

What total winkers
oops...all gone. i'm not contributing to the rubbish anymore, i am sticking with the trivia and keeping away from the numpties, axcept now. from now on i will i mean. who is the blonde woman who is jointly accused of the murder horacio suspects?

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What do you all look like ?

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