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He Is Home.....

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Smowball | 15:37 Tue 18th Mar 2014 | Family Life
20 Answers
Am so relieved!


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Awww great news. What changed his mind?
Fantastic, what happened :)
Good. He probably needed to go to prove to himself that he had the choice and now he's made his choice. Am I right?
bout time xxx
a comfort for you. But it's as well he went, otherwise he would always have wondered.
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To cut a very long story short him and his dad got into a row, his dad pushed him over and told him he didn't want him there then went to bed( this was mid day on Sunday). Son rang me from local park crying his eyes out. We drove up and picked him up from nearby station he had then walked to . Dad didn't even call when he woke up to ask where he was!
Says it all doesn't it really. Hopefully young smow can put it all behind him now he realises where he's better off.

Good luck to you both.
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He is trying to adjust to being back but we will get there. Thankyou x
Great news, smow - will he be OK to return to his old school after the break?
Good. Not good that he was pushed over and cried, but that he is back with you.
A rough and tough journey for all but hopefully some lessons have been learnt all round.

Glad he's home.
Glad he's back home Smow xx
Any difficulties can be faced and overcome.

He knows you love him unconditionally.
glad to hear he's back with you x
what a bad time this young lad has had, I hope your OH is kinder to him now he has returned home. good luck,
Great news for you Smow. Know how you feel. Been there done that and got the T Shirt. Really pleased.
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Best of luck Smow. Hope it all works out for you and that your young man can put that experience behind him. Maybe walking on eggshells for a while but as long as you all can avoid recriminations the future looks happier.
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Everything is just fine - we are just all settling back down into some kind of routine again x
I'm really pleased for you.

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