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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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thanks Neti...I am now officially none the wiser lol. Was going to see DH off and do stuff but i fell asleep, must have needed it.
Hi folks
Lovely day here .Hope you are all OK .
Nothing much to report .
Happy Easter xx
Am just watching Filthy Cities, New York, it is fascinating!!
DH back, had a lovely day....I have spent most of mine stopping dear dos doors terriers set them off and are never corrected for it grrrrrrrrrrr.
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Hope it's not smellyvision neti :o)...Those costumes are horrible, bet they scare the kids don't they?

Evening all...nothing much to report here either, this warm weather's put me in a lazier than normal mode, well, almost grind to a halt mode, haha...even the birds disappeared & had a siesta this afternoon.
Hope you're all as well as you can be....

<waves to Vinny if he's looking over the hedge> you're loving this weather down Wooly beach with all the lily white grockles! :o)
Hooray have just managed to download the right Midsomer "Echoes of the Dead" so am watching it. I can hear the procession in the village and the awful lone slow drumbeat, puts the willies up me really. Kids? I don't know Robi, it's all part of their heritage and they are very fond of it all! and those hats and robes are made to measure and cost an absolute fortune!

Weather bucked up for a while, but more washing is hanging under the patio cos not sure if it will rain again!
What old comedy was this new Barnaby in, something about living with his mother. My friend was trying to explain it and couldn't remember.
Lazy is good Robi, lazy is healing.
night night all, pleasant and peaceful dreams.....
morning all....yawn....back to bed......
heavy shower due this afternoon, I see. Well, spring was nice while it lasted. We went to lunch at the Skylon in the Royal Festival Hall yesterday and looked out over the river and the crowds; very nice, though the onglet steak was a bt chewy.
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Morning all...Very overcast here & feels heavy. Have you got your gas mask on jno? I see it's very smoggy down your way.

oooh woofy, stop yawning, it's catching :o). I can't wake up this morning, the problem with warm night is that the yoofs mill about on corners up & down the road & I don't think they were doing any harm but they do talk/shout loudly. Bet they'll all be asleep in bed 'til dinner time, tut.

Neti the (new Barnaby) lovely Neil Dudgeon's been in lots of things, most fact I think it's on at the moment.... is the awful Life of Riley with Caroline Quentin (who I really don't like). Is that what you're thinking of? I can't believe they made another series. He first got my attention in something called Sorted, a drama series about postmen and I loved that but they didn't do another series.
Morning all, sun/cloud day here. am rushing like mad, done the shopping, (IBS is back! btw) maybe/maybe not meeting hija at airport, meeting friend for coffee.

Thanks for that info Robi, I'll tell my friend as I have no idea what she's on about.

Hope you are all enjoying the eater weekend!
Bright sunshine and really hot here. It was to hot for me even at 10am. So am seeking refuge indoors. Perhaps the overcast/smoggyrainy weather might come our way. I hope so. The garden is so dry.

Have a nice Saturday folk. x
Hi folks
Lovely day here .Warm and sunny .
Another day busy doing nothing :) Or at least as little as possible .
Take care everyone xx
Just heard From Stephen Fry that John sullivan (Fools and Horses) has just died, I liked his comedies!
hot hot hot here was going to garden but i have a headache....
overcast here! Stormed again last night!
Back from airport, and I do not like speed limits! I feel like Miss Daisy dawdling along, no one else seems to bother!!
Have come in from outside. My eyes and nose are streaming and my eyes are red and sore. Ears are bunged up - hayfever or allergy of some sort. Have taken a pill.

Warning, Neti you can avoid these pictures, but I am proud of my garden at the moment. These are the front garden today, which you can't see f rom the road, so is very private.

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