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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Just having tea & toast (playing safe today)...maybe we should rename it irritable biddy syndrome, at least we're not alone with our ailments in here, haha.

Welcome home jno! I'm glad your robinia's survived...mine has, so far. Can't say the same for the eucalyptus tho', looks like it's going slowly :o(

What a sweet pic of Meggie Lottie, I've got one somewhere of Charlie all wet & muddy, I'll have a look for it. The only rolling he did fortunately was on worms in the grass.... of all things! He'd cuddle up at night & I'd find a dried one stuck in his ear, yuk :o)
We don't seem to have an M & Co in Derby but I do love that maxi dress, I'll have a look on that site.

Yes neti, Eastenders was a weepy, I was trying to imagine how it would feel. My oldest went straight into SCBU at another hospital after he was born, he was exhausted & distressed & I didn't see him til they brought him back after 5 days. It was a very strange feeling, I'd felt like I'd never had a baby (well apart from stitches & piles, lol) and suddenly they plonked him in my arms & the next day sent us home 'cos there was a rush on. I didn't know which end was which.
So how you'd feel after thinking your baby had died & then have him back after such a long time must be unreal ....I know, it is unreal, it's a soap :)
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ooh, that short dress is nice...are you going to be showing your knees Lottie? tut
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ooooh, I love this! but I wouldn't pay that price for something to just look at on the hanger :o)
Robi that dress is gorgeous, oh to be young and slim again and I'd have had that!!
Showing knees - hence the black tights. Because I am tall I look better in short or long dresses, that inbetween length looks dreadful on me. I shall probably look awful in that dress anyway and it will go back.

I saw that dress that you have linked to Robi - gorgeous, but not quite the thing for gardening in or going to Morrisons. There are certainly a better selection of dresses on that site than any others I have seen.

OUR LAND IS ALMOST SOLD !!!!! Just one person has to agree to the offer now and he has always been the fly in the ointment!!

That dre
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Well the bad news Lottie is it's me who's buying the land & I'm going to stick tatty caravans on it & rent them out for £50 a week :o)

neti I don't think you have to be young or skinny to wear that dress...if I lived on Ibiza I'd buy it & wear it all summer. You might have to knock a nought off the price for the purposes of marital harmony tho' :o)
4 quality homes going on there all being well, Robi. I tell you what you can put your caravans on our land at my house and we'll split the proceeds!! We can only sell our land for buildings associated with tourism unfortunately!
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It's a deal Lottie, we'll be able to buy a new frock every week.
I must stop looking at that site for now... there are some lovely tops, I think I've got 36 in my basket, might have to eliminate a few :o)
And we can wear Chanel No. 5 with our frocks Robi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Am I forgiven?
Those dresses are divine...sadly i need sleeves and no waist :-(
I don't ever tan even a tiny bit. I don't burn though which is a benefit.
Lovely dresses .I need sleeves ,no waist ,straight up and down and anything to hide my awful legs .
Full length brown paper bag might be the solution .

What a lovely day .My friend has just been round with her little dog Buddy and we've sat in the garden and gassed .We are looking after him for them when they go away in September .
He's Shaney's old friend a little Jack Russell .Dear little soul and ever so friendly .

Mr S has been to the barber and looks better and looks more cheerful .Amazing what a haircut cut can do .
His beard is getting a bit grey now and he looks like Captain Birdseye if I don't nag at him Yet his hair is still fair with no grey .Grrrr and here's me nearly white !!!

I sound like a harridan ..He's a bit depressed which is understandable, which is why I'm so touchy lately .

I bought a hair colour this morning one of those they keep advertising ,mousse/foam thingy to try and make myself look a bit more presentable .
Welcome home Jno .Glad you had a safe trip .Do you have a posh frock for next weeks shindig :)))
you don't sound like a harridan at all Shaney....I am glad you both had a good day.
Oh I dont believe it .Just had a phone call from my cousin in laws daughter .She hangs on me ,bless her :)

.Her Mum has liver cancer .These are my dearest and nearest german rellies ,Mr S's mums family.Oh poop .
oh Shaney i am sorry. Life really sucks sometimes
Oh dear Shaney. Life can be so cruel. How has Mr S taken it?
.It's my ma in laws cousin's wife . .She's 65 and has just retired .Slogged all her life and such a dear person .I hope she'll be ok.I've known these people all my married life .They are my family .
Needles to say I will be nagging god about her tonight and every night

Come on jno, don't flag, 2 months work to catch up on!
shaney so sorry to learn of that bad news. Life just is not fair. Take extra care of yourself shaney, you worry too much about everyone and you haven't been well.

Woofy your nagging seems to work.
Lol Neti I have honed my skills on DH.

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