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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Night night all wishing everyone a serene pain free night with pleasant dreams.
good morning all, two clean dogs are snoring next to me..time for some catch up kip...laters all.
housework always gloes slowly when I return home, neti, as I devote time to downloading photos, which is my real love, but I do my best in a dilettante sort of way...


Shaney, so sorry to hear that. We went to dinner with a friend when we arrived in town. We planned another but she rang to say she'd been diagnosed with breast cancer so would have to postpone. We saw her again last week and she cooked us some nice roast lamb, and was cheerful as ever but sore under the right arm and having to do a lot with her left hand. Starting a course in radiotherapy, I think, but still planning a Norwegian coastal cruise later in the year.
Morning all, nice to have jno back on board!

Winter has returned here with a vengeance, my swim ring was blown out of the pool in the night!!

My nephew was rushed to hospital early Wed morning with a burst appendix , was operated on immediately and seems to be Ok. Scares me as a friend of mine died of this (peritonitis) when we were 16yrs. He is always remembered in the local paper every August .

Not a very cheerful start to the say is it?

Hope you are all wellish and happyish!
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Morning all...
Oh dear, what a lot of bad news today...shaney, it never rains does it? I'm so sorry to read your news...and jno's and neti's too. I've got lots of lovely relatives who keep batting on but I know one day there'll be a phone call & that'll only be the start of it. It makes me feel insecure, we're not in touch all the time but it's nice to know they're there.

Bit cool but looks like being very warm again later so I'd better pull myself together & go fetch some bread before the strappy vest crew get out there & clear the shelves.

By the way, my puta's been a bit slow, did a scan - well, part of a full scan, I wanted to switch off and go to bed - and it found 2 trojans and a tiny Russian(?!) had been pounced on earlier in the day. I'm not entirely sure how they get on to computers but could I ask for no round the world robins/chain emails please? And anything with an attachment unless it's a word doc that you've done yourself of course. The last thing I need is to lose my computer, it's where my friends live. :o)
Oh .dear robi, do hope it wasn't from me, but I've done a scan and am completely clean! I won't send anymore emails, just in case to any of you, would hate to be the cause, but surely if it's from one of us, we'd all have it?
I'm a walking disaster area lately :)
I must have been flapping around in my sleep and swept me book , water jug and various other stuff off the bedside table ,and found I'd clawed myself in the face .God knows what I was dreaming about !
This morning I dropped the tin foil and it rolled out right across the floor .Then I put some washing out and me line snapped .
I think I'll go out and come in again.

Sorry to hear others have bad news .
I wish I could get on an even keel for a while .
Anyway's a lovely day here again so enjoy... and take care xxxx
Good morning. Had a horrible afternoon yesterday. I won't go into details, but it was to do with the land sale and one of the parties concerned. I really don't understand how some people can be so greedy and pompous with it. Especially as the person concerned is absolutely loaded.

It looks today as if it might be sorted out, but I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening on the phone or writing emails. I was so stressed out by bedtime that sleep was impossible and feel really tired today.

A couple of fingers on my right hand are really swollen today due to the bloomin Arthur Itis and they are so painful.

Enough of doom and gloom. It's another lovely day and have been out for the usual coffee and cheese scone at the garden centre.

I don't intend going anywhere for the next four days. Too many holidaymakers about. Morrisons was chock a block with grockles!!
See, I am still saying good morning at 4.00pm!! Ooops.

Shaney my washing line post sort of collapsed a day or so ago sending my washing down to the lawn!! It was sheets and stuff and to be honest they have some dirt marks on now, but they are going on the beds regardless.
Ooooh yes .we have loads of 'em Lofty already .Wandering about in their white cardies and socks with sandals .You can spot 'em a mile off :)
Lots of traffic through here today and yes they raid Morrisons here as if they're in a foreign country and are scared they can't get a decent cup of tea :)
Just done the airport run and it's starting to rain, thank heavens I made it home before the deluge. I hate (and won't do it unless necessary) driving in the rain and dark! We have girries now and the airport was heaving, but most of them are those old imsersos on cheaper hols!

My swim ring is tethered to an sunshade stand.
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I don't know where all these viruses come from neti but they scare the hell out of me after that one I had a few years back that was 'eating' my music. I'm more afraid for my security, I don't do a lot of internet shopping & only nip onto the bank site about once a week but I do love my computer. Anyway, I went through a scan again ...7 hours!... and it found another one today but they've been removed and it's moving faster now.

The whole world & her unruly kids were out at the shops here too so I just grabbed the essentials and scooted. What does everyone do with all the bread they buy at holiday time?! Must be some very fat ducks somewhere.
Just dropped in to say night night. God Bless xxx
ooh, the sun is shining, first time I've seen it since my triumphal return. It's been warm but no sun, but it has finally arisen. Must be an easter thing.
Boy what a storm we had last night, I was worried about all my washing but it was under cover on the patio and seems Ok!! as does the budgie!! Quite fresh though, android says 15°, must top up the tan!!

jno do you drive? I know lottie, jude and woofy do.
Good morning all, its a fine bright day here. DH is going out on a nutty boys motorbike outing and I am going to do anything i like.
and we've got the Easter procession tonight (again, it was going up to the hill last6 night) today they will crucify a young chappie, and come back down, I hate it! Of course he's not really crucified just tied up for half an hour and it's an honour!!!


Frit me summat orful these do, esp the dark ones!!!
Neit what is the origin of that costume?
Good morning and a Happy Easter Holiday to all of you.

I am just thinking at present what it is I will do today - nothing taxing!!

After hiccups, sale of land looks likely to proceed officially on Tuesday all being well. Nice birthday pressie. I daren't be too optimistic tthough. I could never become a property developer!!

See you later.


Hope this explains it woofy, as I have no idea! They are worn by the people in the cofrada, which are all different professions, ie the fishermen, i don't really know!!!

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