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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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morning all, cool and bright here. it finally stopped raining around 05.30. The garden is looking wonderful, dogs are happy DH fine. Wishing everyone a good sunday.
Biddies, do not open any email purporting to be from me, they are not, woofy has one about viagra. Since Robi got a virus I have not sent any emails, and all my firewalls and virus protections are up to date and all ok! sorry to any of you.
I've sent one to everyone saying (in the title bar so no need to open it) emails sent are not from me so do not open, then you can just delete it. hopefully everyone will get the message. Have scanned desktop and no viruses found, will now do laptop!
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Morning all, it hammered down in thie night, the garden looks & smells lovely, the swifts are screaming round and the blackbirds are having a good old root in the wet soil & have lovely muddy beaks at last.

Yes neti I rec'd a mail + your warning so I've sent it hurtling back into outer space, these email hi-jackers are a bloomin nuisance. Don't worry about my viruses, they could have come from anywhere but Tarquin's always said mail that's passed through many computers are likely problems. He said that no matter how many Anti-Virus gizmos you install each one could dig out a different virus that the others have missed. It's better if you can minimise your risk in the first place.
Re the doc's birthday, if he asks let him wonder a bit longer, but tell me where so I can see him suffer :o)
Speaking of suffer I've a small discomfort a la neti & Jude thanks to my session the other night. This morning I almost used best facial moisturiser instead of the correct ointment...I could have ended up with a bottom as soft as a baby's face..hahaha.
Stop laughing Vincent if you're peeping in, it's ok for you, you probably get a discount at zuperbug. :o)
My bottom is all cleared up now, heaps gone!
delighted to hear you have a smiley bum Neti (giggles) and that Robis will be glowing and wrinkle free...can y tell I am in a silly mood?
Just thought you'd like to know mine's cleared up too. :~) Hope yours does soon Robi.

Morning all. Got your email Neti. You'll have to tell us when you send us one we can open next time.. Thanks for the warning.
Lottiie, I understand about your money problem. It must be awful to be accused of something you haven't done. I have been really in the mire with money at one stage of my life and my Mum helped me out but I had to work and paid her off weekly which I did. I was really worried but since then I have been the sole money sorter in this house even though not very well off. Fortunately both our parents left the 4 of us comfortable but I still have to be careful what i spend. I would just like to come up with the big one on the lottery so that I could pay my sons mortgages off.

Went to a lovely show last night. It was performed by the children of a dancing school which my great nieces attend. They are now 15 and 17 and have been at the same dancing school since they were toddlers and they and 3 others have been there the longest. They did dances on their own in celebration. It brought tears to my eyes. It was on at the Assembly rooms in Derby.

Having a lazy day today doing the Sunday Paper puzzles and watching the grass turning green again from my back door. The birds have still not come back because of the cats which is disappointing. I haven't seen the male blackbird for ages now and his wife only comes occasionally. Still the feeders have been filled up just in case.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Hello smiley bums!!

A very small amount of rain fell here during the night. It might as well not have bothered!!

See you later. Off to sit in front of TV. Grand Prix!!!

Hello squidgy bums and smoothies :)
Lovely day here again .No rain in our area at all. I bet when it does come it'll hammer down . Got your mail and deleted it Neti :)
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers really .Had a decadent brekkie of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and I'm doing the Sunday crosswords while Mr S watches motor racing .
Have a good day all .Toodlepip for now .
have just used my new mower which could flatten the south american rain forest...lovely machine. It also self propels but you need to be careful as it corners faster than I do. The other one is 25 years old so i guess it doesn't owe us was getting to be hard to start and difficult to keep running when it had started so off to the tip with it.
My pumpkins are now planted out and the spuds in spud bags are leaping up. Next to plant out are the cherry tomatoes, then peppers and heritage tomatoes...oh and the figs are doing well too. I have also just cut a huge bunch of roses (Charles de Mille, rippled red pink and white like icecream) and Peace which are the size of small cabbages. They smell lovely. Feeling very self sufficient and filthy, time for a shower methinks.
btw is it time we upped sticks? I have some q's and neti sent one round which never got used.
Have had a lovely time at the mediaeval fiar, and we managed a lunch of bits and pieces (spanish sausauge on bread, pizza, and a sweet cake thing and a beer, really warm and crowded, back home just made a cuppa ate one strawberry and my eyetooth fell clean out! It was one that was patched up and filled last june (i think it was) I look so awful, big gap at front of mouth. Bless Mr N said straight to dentist tomorrow to have it stuck back, ha ha! I don't think that will be possible, there is no root on it so must still be in the gum, oh bums! Never rains but it pours!!!!

So can't even go for a coffee now cos I look dreadful!
Full burkah, I think!!
Was there a Midsomer last week, I've only seen 3 of them!
Hi All. Just come in after clearing the dead bluebells which take over this time of year and i've given my hardy fuscias room to breathe as the bluebells grow among them. See I'm getting all gardeny since I've been talking to you lot. I was out there for a couple of hours digging away like a gooden. I had loads of energy as I fell asleep after my dinner and thats not so good as I probably wont sleep tonight. I've still got a bit more to do, I may do it in the morning depending on the weather.
Hope you've all had a peaceful day.
Sorry Neti can't tell you about Midsomer except I thought I'd seen them all, but I could be wrong.
I'm off now do the tea pots.
Goodnight All Sleep tight.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Oof, really good day, walked dogs, gardened, played on computer, DH fine dogs tired and happy. Night night.
good morning all.. spoke too soon last night, blooming fireworks wound Shugghy up again, this time i tried dosing him with doggy valium (herbal stuff) and he settled after a while. I have got icecream for breakfast today...I just fancied it, chocolate chip cookie dough from Ben and Jerry, straight out of the pot. DH won't eat it so i just have some then put the pot back in the freezer....makes you sleepy though.....laters.........
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Morning all...bright breezy one it is too..unlike me :o) What ever woofy was on yesterday I want some please.

Every time I think there's not a lot to do in the garden something changes & something needs attention. I lost my favourite hardy fuchsia Jude - tricolour - which was originally in an old galvanised bucket but got it's roots down through the hole (there's a song in there :o)) & grew huge every year. But now it's a gonner :o(.
I hoped it would come to life a little late but sadly no and I'd had it for about 20 years. Hopefully I can find another or similar one.

Neti there have been 3 Midsomers...when in doubt google 'Midsomer episodes Wiki', there's a list.

Love the Mr. Men google theme today, every time I open it there's a different one. My sons loved them...Tarquin *was* Mr Noisy :o)
RIP John Walker, I loved that group!

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