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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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this one? Robi?
if it is I have it in my garden and will be delighted to root you a cutting.

I should be doing housework, gardening or something constructive, but I can't get going!!

The sun is shining and I still need rain.

I have just planted a hardy fuschia from Lidls in a great big pot. I hope I can get it to last for 30 years. It will then outlive me. I don't like showy fuschias at all, but love the delicate small flowers on the hardy ones.

Friend has sent me an email apologising!!

Am now forcing myself to log off AB and get going!! :o(
delighted to hear that your friend has apologised. My Dad loved fuchsias more than anything apart from roses. I can do the hardy ones and sometimes I make a miniature standard but they are hard to overwinter. I had hawkshead which is a beautiful white but lost it in the winter and must replace.
Yay tooth has been restored to it's rightful place (temporarily) and on Wed she is taking out the broken root, then putting a false tooth in and attaching it to the teeth either side, I was extremely well behaved, only wriggled and gulped a few times! When I walked in, (after being there last June) the male receptionist said Ah then said my surname, so I am well remembered!!!!!
Shaney, the other jennifer Worth book is "ShadoWs of the Workhouse" really eye opening, these are the type of books I shall re-read, so won't get rid of these!
Yes that's the one Neti and the other one was Farewell to the East End .
Glad you got your toothy sorted .
Hope you're all OK .Drop of rain here during the night but only a sprinkle .Warm and sunny ,but breezy out there now .
Been to doctors and he thinks it labyrinthus (sp) or some sort of vertiginous thing which could be related to my wobbly neck and of course he said stress ! .Course of Stemetil and if hasn't cleared then further investigations .
Shame about your fuchsia Robina .All I've got are those bog standard hardies ,don't know the name but it's a red one .
and I think they've had it this year .I've cut them back but there's not much sign of life Something else Picky can dig up :)
Oh shaney I love those flowers, so pretty!
We can all rest in peace, my emails were not sending out viruses just selling things!! I've been checked out by an expert and no viruses here. Still not very nice anyway!
Hello there. Pleased your tooth's sorted Neti. Shaney my sister had labrynthitis for about 3 months last year - she was very dizzy and wobbly and it would just happen without warning and she had to have a scan which didn't show anything untoward. she hasn't had it again since, so I hope it get's better soon for you.
I have 3 hardy fuschias and the are now starting to shoot nicely. They are always later coming out than the other plants I have. They are all different but what their names are I haven''t clue. When they're in bloom I'm I'll take a piccie then you may be able to tell me what they are.
Haven't done any more digging today yet. Had to go to school this afto. If I don't do any in a bit it'll be tomorrow afternoon. The ground is a lot easier to dig now we've had some rain.

My frotthy coffee maker and blender has packed up on me today so it's down to T.J. Huges tomorrow to see if they have any in stock. I shall miss it if they haven't got any but I may look round somewhere else to see if I can find any other sort which would do.
Did you get anything done today then Lottie or did you have a laze about like I do some days? When I do that the next day I work really well.

Pot washing time now then a cuppa - see yer later 'gater(s)
we had a lazy day too...must be the weather.
Oh jude I love TJ Hughes, one of my first ports of calls in Eastbourne. Am going to watch Vera in a minute, did anyone watch it yesterday?
Yes Neti you can get loads of bargains there. I only saw the last hour of Vera but managed to pick it up but was sorry I missed the beginning as I thought it was ok.
I always get perfumes, handbags, reading glasses, swimsuits, bras, new electrical gadgets and dvds, love the place. Also clothes for Mr N. I got my first pair of pink uggs there too!
Night night all.
good morning all.....I hope Robi is okay? there wasn't much from her yesterday. I have just had a leftover jam doughnut for breakfast...a proper bakers one with plenty of sharp tasty jam....lovely
Oh a jammy doughnut (called Berliners here) yummy, not that you can get them anymore come to think of it, that bakers is now a posh boutique!

Morning all. Tooth is still in place until it is removed and worked on tomorrow!

Hope Robi is OK, as I hope all you are!
That's allegedly what Kennedy said when he visited the Berlin wall He meant to say "I an a Berlinner" (Berlinnerische) meaning that we were all affected by the division of Germany and he said "Ich Bin Eine Berlinner", "I am a doughnut"
Oh yes, that's right.
Haha ,he should have said " Ich bin Berliner " by adding the Ein he turned himself into a doughnut .Actually Berliner in Berlin are pancakes .Doughnuts are Kreppel or Krapfen .Berliners are a law unto themselves :)

Anyway after that useless bit of info ,Morning all.
Lovely day here again and I may ,just may ,take the curtains down upstairs and clean the windows .
Hope you are all well and happy xxx
Good morning. Was just at the end of my posting to you all and then all funny things happened on the screen and I ended up on a question in the Crossword section and lost the whole lot. Was really strange because I was actually in the middle of a word.

Basically I had said that it's another hot sunny rainless day. I did very little yesterday. Our nearest TJ Hughes is in Kings Lynn and I hate shopping in Kings Lynn. I hope you all are OK, especially Robi as she wasn't about much, that I have a cyst in a rather embarrassing place and that I am now going out shopping. Only my post was a lot more padded out.

See you later!!

(Shaney has made me feel guilty about the windows I can't see out of!!)


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