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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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Bobbisox | 11:13 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers
I am a fan of I.A.C, granted, but there's loads of 'cheap' TV on now, why not even try repeating decent stuff?
The Duchess of Duke Street and Upstairs Downstairs?
maybe Downton Abbey fitted that category for us,
What kind of programme can you say you really enjoyed and would love to see it back?


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sons and daughters i used to rush home from school to see that patricia Hamilton what a bitch !!!
You can't beat Grange Hill...
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can you remember The Sullivans zeee?
Tales of the Unexpected
yes not an avid fan though Bobbi
The Darling buds of May has been on one of the freeview channels recently too...very cheesy but I love it.
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Grange Hill was brilliant for that time, imagine now?
it would be seen as 'poncey'..LOL
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Robinia I hope your snowman does't melt on me..LOL
The young Doctors
-- answer removed --
I might get Ginge the A Team dvd for Xmas...
what was the adult tizwas they did on a saturday night called ?
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Didn't take you for a Tiswas person
lol Bobbi, he already did, he was a tiny little 5" snowman I made back in the days when we didn't get much snow...2 years ago! :o)
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awww he's a cutie Robinia
OTT zz.
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what was that about Tiggs?
sons and daughters
prisoner cell block h
return to eden
Battle of the Planets. I used to love coming home from school and watching that. Oh and I loved Laurel and Hardy. Wish they'ed show them again.

Does anyone remember The Martian Chronicles? Used to be on BB2 when Space 1999 and Buck Rodgers wasn't on.
It was the adult version of Tiswas Bobbi. ZZ was asking about it.

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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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