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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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Bobbisox | 11:13 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers
I am a fan of I.A.C, granted, but there's loads of 'cheap' TV on now, why not even try repeating decent stuff?
The Duchess of Duke Street and Upstairs Downstairs?
maybe Downton Abbey fitted that category for us,
What kind of programme can you say you really enjoyed and would love to see it back?


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Wish they made more blackadder
Buck Rogers in the 25th century.
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that was quite a cult programme zeee, one which Bill loved too
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did you watch that ummmm?
-- answer removed --
he has good taste then x
i used to like The house of Elliot as well
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Auf Wiedersehen Pet, although I think the later ones lost their way a bit
I'd love to see Rock Follies again.
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wasn't Rula Lenska in that ? horse
The House of Elliot is shown on one of the freeview channels on a Sunday morning. I can't remember which channel but they show a lot of these old programmes.
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even bring out some new stuff of the same kind would be something....
Yeah I use to watch it...
follyfoot farm
altogether "deep in the meadow was a lightning tree !!! ect ect " lol
"Little House on the Prairy" (for my G/children)

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never went for all of that Spacey stuff...
..and I loved 'Eldorado' I was really peed off when they axed it (they didn't ask me) sob!

take the high road
Sons and
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I never did watch that Jem, but L.H.O.T.P
I used to cry through most of it..LOL

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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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