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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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Bobbisox | 11:13 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers
I am a fan of I.A.C, granted, but there's loads of 'cheap' TV on now, why not even try repeating decent stuff?
The Duchess of Duke Street and Upstairs Downstairs?
maybe Downton Abbey fitted that category for us,
What kind of programme can you say you really enjoyed and would love to see it back?


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Ummm - I too loved sons and daughters, although I would probably be horrified at watching it now and it was so downbeat compared to Neighbours etc.

I dont know why they ever took away Heartbeat and The Royal on a sunday pm. It was so light hearted. Dont like all this violence and blood and guts.

Cant stand any of these TV reality shows
I used to love Rosanne. Darlene cracked me up.
making out and shillingsbury tales

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in these days of reality TV Shows, which programmes of the past would you love to see back on your TV?

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