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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
898 Answers
Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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Have a confession to make. I lifted some paving slabs last Thursday. Daren't tell Mr LL that this is what I think started my current problem off. I am not supposed to lift - let alone paving slabs!!!
Lottie it seems your confession may have broken the thread
Its okay, I fixed it. Lottie you are a bad girl!
Well thanks Robinia ..I'm now 30 quid light :))
As long as your oder comes to 30 quid before the discounts Lofty you still get free delivery . I bought the tomato colour scoop neck
And this one although I don't do pink as a rule ( well not wishy washy pink ) but it's nice and bright .
These will hang in wardrobe three ..four and five are full :)
They are nice shaney, but I would be all lumps and bumps in those. Must eat more salad!
Good choice Shaney. I looked long and hard at those two. But the tomato colour is too orange for me and I needed to buy two, of course!! We have the same taste obviously!!!
And besides they didn't have the pink one in my size :o(
Neti ...I'm not exactly Skinny Minnie you know !
I always get a size larger in knitwear and T shirts .Can't bear things clinging to my bazooms :)
The tomato colour jumper is lovely .I've got the same one in purple and it looks really nice on .
Well as nice I can ever look which is usually "thrown together "..haha. ,
I have the same one in purple too Shaney!!!

The trouble I have with a size larger is that they don't fit on the shoulders.

Marks and Spencers are generously sized though.
And I haven't got bazooms like you two!!!!!

I have got some bazooms though, not like Robi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's not so much the bazooms, I mean they are there and evermore shall be so, no; it's the spare tyre, bulge bulge bulge!!
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ya cheeky booger! :o) I get by with my fun size bazooms, there are enhancements available for special occasions...

Lovely jumpers shaney, I'm pleased to see you been spending...I've resisted, one I particularly liked has sold out in size stik anyway.
My spare tyre is bigger than my bazooms Neti!!
Really nice looking jumpers but I resisted too. Not really in the mood for buying yet...
Dr has examined me again and given me another lot of 'bullets' and have to go back again next Tuesday. I'm fed up again. anyway I'm going to look forward to Tai Chi and going out with my friends for lunch tomorrow.
SOTD tonight Shaney are you back into it again yet.
I'm busy trying to find out whtn Murray plays again in Australia.

Talking about bras and bazoomers. I wear push ups cos I'm a bit lacking in that department. They have another use They are warm in the winter!! :o)
Laters 'gaters
Cheeses, if I wore "push ups" I wouldn't be able to breathe, ha ha!

Just seen all of the Midwife, can't get over just how natural and good Miranda is, she is so completely Chummy, I love her.

I made boring spag bol cos it was my turn to cook,but yesterday hija made a flaon for desert and it is scrummy!!
I just watched midwife too, lovely series. Shughy has been eating rubbish somewhere again so no outing in the morning, he is sound asleep on the bed cuddled up to his bro. Hopefully he has errrrm....emptied out now so we'll get a quiet night. Sleep well all.....loved the sweaters but there is too much "me" for them. Fab pink though.
Oight, oight. I few things to do and then am off to bed!

Hope Shughy sleeps through the night for your sake Woofy!!
Just cruising past on my way to bed .
Sorry to hear your nether regions are no better Jude .I read somewhere that witch hazel cooled in the fridge is good to apply ,that is I suppose if they're out rather than in so to speak .I hope it soon clears up .
My brother popped in earlier and brought me some brussel tops ,so we had the roast chicken with those ,spuds,puds and gravy which should have been our lunch yesterday .
Watched a bit of tele .Above Suspicion was good .

Yes Miranda was fab wasn't she ...I loved the bit where she was learning to ride the bike .This is one series from a book where they haven't ruined the story like they usually do .She had some brilliant lines in it .The Irish girl with the baby was tearjerking in the book and even more tearjerking to watch .

Right I'm orf ...Oight Oight my lovelies ..see you tomorrow .Sleep toight .
Morning all, am off to Ibiza on the bus today, to activate my electronic bus pass! Oh what an exciting life I lead.

Mr N needs help with a puzzle, it;s words that go in the middle of other words.

Pretty ---- humoured (I say good, he's not happy)
Donkey ---- station
computer ---- show

All 4 lettered words, he would appreciate the answers , driving him mad.

10° and sunny.

Hope jude's nether regions get better very soon, and shugy is Ok.
Good morning all. Shughy is fine, but tired. We stayed in this morning to stop him eating more rubbish and give the tum a chance to settle. Its pouring down here so i am enjoying a cup of tea before getting out the carpet shampooer.

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