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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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Hope you feel better tomorrow Robi. I agree with Woofy go back to the Dr.

I'm just listening to a programme about JImmy Young. i never really took to him but they've been playing some music that ahs taken me back to my early music days. just before Rock & Roll and Sir Jimmy wasn't so bad.

Oight Oight Everybiddy..See you tomorrow...when I'm expecting a phone call from a young man from Orange who has made me a decent deal for a new phone.
Sleep tight....
Or should I say oight oight, sleep toight!! xx
Lovely dress Lofty ,I loike the colour but I can't wear anything these days which draws attention to my ordnance survey maps and scarred ankle.
I saw another one on the link there that's nice, the green paisley type one . I'm tempted as it's long :)
<<< Slaps own face and clicking finger and deletes all shops from bookmarks until April >>>
Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight .
Ooooh you snooked in there you two .
Ooh you snuck in there you two !

Hi Dolly ,nice to see you .Osteo in the spine is very painful .You have my sympathy . I'm also usually "fine" as I grit my teeth and swallow 600 mgms :)
Night girls xx
Good morning all and darn it, I missed Dolly again. Its wet here but mild, Dogs had a lovely run around this morning so Shughy is happy boy again.
Got to do a big shop today as the man is coming to redo my patio on monday which means parking the car away from the house which will make putting the dogs in and out of it difficult and leaving them at home alone even more difficult as they will shout at said man and his gang through the windows. They will still get walked as this happens before man arrives each day. Patio has been down for around 15 years and is now uneven and muddy so it will be nice to get it fixed.
A quick good morning all. Sorry Dolly Your Post wasn't there when I sent mine last night. I know what you mean whenyou say I'm ok thanks when you sometimes don't feel it. I hope it cools down for you in a little while.
I'm off now to watch the semi final mens in the Australian Open. Laters 'gaters...
Morning all, Hi Dolly, my garden is just like a jungle or Onslow,s garden (Mrs Bucket!) Having been fighting the council who were trying to get it for years, we let it go and now haven't the energy or money to sort it. I also have arthritiis in my spine,and hips, but only hurts occasionally.

Love that dress Lottie, I could wear that, but won't shop online, will look for something similar when I get there.

Hope you feel better today Robi, yes go to docs.

Morning the rest of you. Hope Mr S is doing Ok shaney x
Oh and Bro in law should be coming out of hospital this weekend!
Morning all
Persisting with rain here and dull,dull,dull.
Hope you are all Ok this morning .Good news for your BiL Neti .
Mr S is OK thanks but won't take the tablets he's been given to control the urgency .He say he hopes it will clear up on it's own .Hence he doesn't go anywhere really. he has just gone to the barber but he won't have a cup of tea.
He'll come dashing in here in a minute and run straight out the back .I may start hiding the tablets in his food if he persists in carrying on like this .
Oh well KBO ..I'm going to the library once he's back .
Have a good day folks .
Will be back later, but will have to have a cuppa and a sedative first. I have steam coming out of the top of my head - Got up to 2 Court Summons(es) from the Council and then a bad tempered irritating Mr LL who I have given a lecture to!!

Will see you when I have calmed down.

(summonsesesees have now been cancelled!!!!!!)
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Morning soup dragons...summonses Lottie? been stuffing frozen chickens up ya jumper again? :o) Nice dress but I look like a zombie in purple :o/

Hi Dolly...sorry to hear you're in pain and feeling the heat. It's 40C+ in Perth apparently and they're all gasping a bit. I couldn't stand that. (They're threatening us with light snow at the weekend Jude!)
I often say I'm fine too but to the friends in the same boat I tell (some of) the truth. I often tend to underplay it though or I get lectured about going to the doc... <ahem!> ;o)

I've got some wonky slabs I ought to have sorted before my gardener gets too busy with his bush trimming. I'll see what sort of weather we get after the weekend.

Right, I think I'll have a couple of slices of lurpak with some toast on and get my hair washed before the pounding starts. Had a lousy night's sleep, I shouldn't have gone to bed so early but I felt lousy and there was nowt on the tele. If I have more than an hour's sleep before midnight I'm awake at 2 am.

Behave in the library shaney, don't go causing a kerfuffle peeking at beefcake :o)
Best wishes to your bro in law neti.
Robi, the dress is cobalt blue, not purple!!

Feeling a bit more human now. Summonseses were to appear in court for non payment of council tax. Sorted out now and summonseses have been cancelled. Bit of a shock!! We had one each.

I too have just had my toast, but with Benecol (:o( ) But I had half a pot of ginger preserve on each slice. I just adore ginger preserve!!!

Dolly, you have my sympathies. I have an arthritic spine since my teens, and probably since I was 11. I can remember the pain started at age 11, but I don't think I told anybody.

I wanted to get the car set up and dog worthy, but it's persisting down so will have to wait. I really need to take Meggie out, but she doesn't like rain either. I have things to do indoors, but feel more like reading a book all day.

"I often say I'm fine too but to the friends in the same boat I tell (some of) the truth. I often tend to underplay it though or I get lectured about going to the doc... <ahem!> ;o)"


Funny thing is when I go to see the Doc, I often tell him "I'm fine really, but............................." with a big grin on my face. I am due to go for a check up, well overdue really. Can't face it at the moment. Also have an appointment in early Feb at the hospital re my hernia :o(

Just told a certain Doctor on another thread about ladies undies what I think of his attitude.

See you later, must get showered and dressed.
Just checked to see whether I had order the right dress. Phewww, I have COBALT BLUE!! ;o)
Soup Dragons ha ha

Its sunny her and quite nice really.
I tend to say to most people "I'm okay"
that dress looks purple to me too!
Hi girls. just back from Zumba, yes I did it, not the full lesson but I loved it, bazooms were heck of a nuisance, bouncing everywhere out of control, when I danced one way there were still going full force the other way but hey we managed. Am defo going again next week, joints permitting.

Very damp and grey here so it's my kind of day, actually had a coffee with my gay exfriend, which was nice.

Lovin' life at the moment!
:o( It's not purple, it doesn't look purple at all to me!! It's blue, blue, blue. (Silly Biddies) ;o)

Glad you enjoyed your Zumba, Nets. Oh and thanks for the tip about Mrs Brown. (I couldn't open your link in the email - but I found it on You Tube xxx)
It's now sunny!!
B-i-l not coming out for another week, his stump is still swollen. Poor soul.
I really so like that dress lottie and that is the colour I want for my jump suit for the wedding! Not purple!!
Oh ..poor soul Neti ..just when things were going so well .Still better that they make sure he's fit to go home .
Lol....we got summonses once upon a time .When they brought in the Poll Tax .
Lot's of people refused to pay so Merton Council decided to tack a bit extra onto the bills of those who did pay to make up the shortfall.We refused to the extra,they even sent a bailiff round.It rumbled on for ages and in the end MrS lost his rag and went to the council office and demanded to see their accounts.We never heard another dickey bird.
No beefcake in the library Robinia,only doddery old guys reading the paper.There is a rather dishy librarian to oogle though
Haha..Is he on about low cut blouses and push up bras again...No way would I discuss my underpinnings with that old lech .

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