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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
898 Answers
Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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That's me sorted then. Had my dinner and a lovely bath like I've had every night this week to try and soothe things you know where and it is a bit better. Going to watch the telly tonight. Last nights attempt at that 9 o'clock programme was a waste of time as I think it was a wierd futuristic thing which didn't appeal in the end so I swithed it off.
Tonight it's Mastermind. Room 101, then I might watch The Hustle.
I hope you all have a good night and a good weekend. I've got a busy day tomorrow Derby plat Stoke at home then tomorrow night I'm going to see my Niece's band Inominata playing their first charity gig of the year in a place in Derby so it'll be all go.

Oight Oight Biddyfriends Everywhere...x
That's 2 posts and this is 3..
I give up...
what do you give up about? I had a skate wing and roasted veg for tea, it was lovely and now i am going to have some chocolate because I can.
Oight oight all. I am totally sober tonight.
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I had fish for tea but didn't enjoy it much. Don't think I've ever had skate.

plub jab...hahaha...actually I'm not too snotty or nasal at the bobent :o) it's more at the back of my nose/sinuses and in my ears. Not looking forward to going to bed though, I'll have to put a straw in the b'cup syrup bottle.

I haven't seen Eternal Law...just watched Law and Order, it was rather sad.
Morning all, t'other dog was sick on the carpet last night so the carpet shampooer get to get out of the cupboard again today. I have woken up achey but that is not surprising as I spent yesterday carrying stuff around the house and sorting and tidying. I left a pile of paper rubbish for disposal in the kitchen, some shredding some not, all mixed up. It was a bit of a tottery pile and overnight it avalanched onto the floor. Rab leaps up and hares downstair to rout the burglar, Shughy (bigger dog) hid behind my legs until I had got my shoes and dressing gown on then followed me down the stairs. Honestly what a wuss
Morning all. Woofy the posts I put on at the end of the previous page didn't appear even though it said answer added. It did it twice then 2 appeared together and one not at all. That's why I gave up :o)
I've been shredding this morning after paying my Credit Card Bill.
Etermal Law I think was the one I was going to watch the other night but didn't because it didn't appeal after a few minutes.
It's a lovely morning and I'm going early to the match to meet a friend at 2 for a cuppa first.
Going to do a quick 'hoover' round now then that's it for housework today. Had it upside down looking for my leather gloves but can I find them Noooooo! Really mad with myself for losing them.

Have a good day All see yer later 'gater(s)
Afternoon all. Absolutely storming here, Mr N and I did the weekly shop, then I tottered off for a 2hr walk along the sea front in the rain with my mp3. Had a super time, tried zumba-ing in the supermarket and along the prom but seem to have forgotten the sequence!! Got totally drenched right through to my knickers, so just had hot bath. Mr N home cos he can't golf in the rain , wimp!! Maybe I should move back to England for the winters!

Robi, you should sniff warm salt water up each nostril, it apparently clears the cold, my mum always did, I can't as it feels like drownind, worth a try.

Morning the rest of yous. Woofy,you mut have the cleanest carpets in Christendom!
Am downloading "we'll take manhattan" hopefully its good.
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a'noon all... lovely day for the footy Jude...unless the sun will be lasering the back of your eyeballs :o)

Neti I'd sniff the entire Dead Sea if it would make my headaches go away.

I doubt woofy's got much pile left on her carpets! :o)
This particular carpet is can use bleach on it if you need to as its between the living room French windows and the living room door.....big mud trek route. Don't know what I'd do without the shampooer. These particular boys seem to be Olympic standard rubbish eaters
Hi folks
Lovely day here .'Erbs have gone shopping .
Hope you are all well .Hope your snuffles soon clear up Robinia .
Take care all.Will pop in again some time .Be good xx
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Mac(poodle) was a bit like that...he once ate some horribly mouldy bread & I was queasy at the thought, I hate the smell of it too. I expected some 'comeback' but it didn't affect him in the slightest. Luckily he didn't eat the stuff 'produced' by other animals though.

Neti, I know women who can curdle mayonnaise just by looking at it, haha.
(she'll know what I'm talking about....which will be a first)
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oh yoohoo shaney...glad you've got the sunshine. :o)
Hello Shaney, hello all, it's cold and grey here. Oddly Robi, it doesn't seem to be smanure that causes the tum upsets but other rubbish.
By 'eck you're right Robi, especially here with their knee length pop sox and moustaches!
another slow cold day here. I think tums allowing we will go somewhere tomorrow.
Have just seen "The Artist" the new silent film, it is brilliant, ah; I loved it, really good feel factor.
It seems to be getting great reviews Neti but I just can't seem to fancy it. I made ginger and chilli prawns on pasta tonight. I normally love it but tonight just yuck so i threw it away and ate a tin of canned litchees which were delicious. Oh and yesterday I planted a tub full of in the green snowdrops, doubles and singles which i got mail order and today the dear doggies tipped the lot out in play :-( so I had to plant them again. The good news is that I am one sack away from finishing the bulk shredding which dated back to 1994.

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