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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
898 Answers
Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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turning the page....
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...and appear as if by magic :o)

woofy did you know you can get people to do that job for you?...
Lol Robi....Men aren't supposed to wear ties when they use shredders......
time for bed I think
Robi, that Manhattan was great, loved it, and wasn't he GORGEOUS!!
oight, oight
OightOightall....I'm absolutely shattered...just having me cocoa then^
And good morning again....It feels a bit like Groundhog Day when I do this. Cold and cloudy today and I just had a bowl of frosties. Laters all.
Good morning from a very wet and cold Ibiza. Brrr, non stop rain now, as long as we go out for lunch then I don't mind.

Ref: that Manhattan programme, when my daughter was 13 yrs Vogue wanted hija to try out for a model as she was very tall and gangly with a mop of long hair, Mr N said No immediately, she was miffed and don't think she has ever forgiven us, mind you she may not have been any good!
lots of interest in Lottie here, whe she gets on here again:

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Morning all...literally freezing here, 0C. :o(

I'm glad you saw 'Manhattan' neti, I thought you'd enjoy it. I must see if it's on again, my sis is so mad she missed it. I wish I'd got into fashion on some level.

Yes, he is gorgeous...and only 25 (in May)...<sigh>
Oooh Robi, that picture has made an old woman very happy, 25? I can deal with that!
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well half your age plus 7 is supposed to be the limit you know neti

I like being 36 :o)
LIMIT ?? who said there was a limit, I am having a disgraceful year, remember.
as long as it's all tasteful, then that's OK!!
Only a year neti???????
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well there is an extra day this year woofy...

what a dreary mizzly day this has turned out to be, had to put the light on.
yes its a mizzog day here. Waitrose delivery arrived okay...sort of pottering a bit now
Been out for lovely lunch in San Rafael, but it is so cold, having been watching Nigella bites, but am now in bed with the central heating on, except I can't work itand I thing the air con is on instead brrrrr.

Yes only a year woofy, don't think I'd survive any more,

In the restaurant, hija said, look the waiter plucks his eyebrows, so when he came I looked, and they looked fine to me, then Mr N said, "Are you in love with that poor chap, cos you were squinting at him!" We did laugh, poor waiter and I didn't think anyone had noticed!
Hi All what a lazy day today. Watched Tennis and what a match. They both looked as knackered as I felt last night.
Thenhad my dinner and fell asleep on the settee. Just woke up and made a cuppa.
Last night was really great. Met up with my family and spent the last hour teaching my bro to Rock and Roll, what a star. He is so full of rhythm he picked it up really well. He said he wanted to learn by Friday so that when he goes to this club where he lives he can ask a girl to dance. Bless him...

I just couldn't get cracking today at all. It's rained most of the day....I think

Lottie has been in touch and sends you all her love. I think it's tomorrow she'll be back, but she is ok and wanted me to let you know she's thinking of you all.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Hello all. Here we are tucked up in bed....did I say I had finally finished the shredding? Some of it dated back to 1996. Anyway it's confetti now.
Patio man come tomorrow so no going back to bed for a few days.............

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