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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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its sort of Marchish here...Neti when at one stage it looked like you BIL was never coming home, it seems pretty miraculous.

My current favourite song

Suppose i'd better get dressed.......
to make my answer show...
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Calm down Lottie, you're going a funny colour... :o)

Oh no, the good news was short lived neti, what a shame. I hope he's well enough to go home next week.....err, can you keep your bazooms under control please? I thought the thudding noise was in my head.

haha, lol at the clangers woofy, we used to love that....lovely song. I heard a good one in the wee small hours, I should have written it down.
This one keeps springing to mind though....

:o) > > > > > >
I presume you think you have turned me purple Robi!!! Wrong, I am BLUE, BLUE, BLUE. I had to have a magnifying glass though!!!!!
Well they look the same to me Lottie :o)
Lovely worded song Woofie and Purple people eaters - I remember that too Robi!
If we're going to freeze up again I'm glad that young gardener came and dug mine while the ground was soft. he's made a good job.
Sorry your Bil has a 'set back' Neti but better to get it really right before he comes home. Are you coming to England again.
Well last night was bad for me with the bumping from the young lads bedroom next door. At 2.45 this morning I went and banged on the wall to shut him up. Then this morning I went round and had a word with his Mum. I said I wasn't the reporting type but it may come to that if he doesn't cut it out. It went on from around 10 last night. I was bloody fuming just as I was dropping off it woke me up I don't know how many times. Anyway that's me moan for today.
I watched the semi of the mens tennis this a.m.from about 8 til 12.30 then after lunch went for a lovely walk in the fresh air and sunshine. Nedal won Neti especially for you.
The Murray semi is on in the morning. Looking forward to that.
Off for a cuppa and something to eat now see yer later....
It looks purple to me too.
Terrible thumping noise here too..sort of ♫ Zum Zum Zum da da da da...let's all do the Zumba ,c'mon and do the Zumba ♫....Lol....better run ...don't want a thwacking from Neti ...
Anyway I'm off .Not long had a text to say the Germans will be landing tomorrow ......but not a word to Mr.S:)
Take care all.See you ....xxxx
Oooh Jude, I would be furious. I must admit that although our cottage is joined to another (where Troll lives) we can hear nothing because the walls are extremely thick. The only time we hear anything is if there are workman banging on the adjoining wall and that isn't very loud.

If you put those two sample colours side by side on the screen you can definitely tell which is purple and which is blue!!! BLUE, BLUE, BLUE I tell you. Neti agrees with me!!

I haven't been outside at all today, not even one foot has made it our into the fresh air.

I have just had a lovely shower and am going to have a very early night tonight. Had a bad night last night and a very unhappy morning.
Bugger off Shaney, you are all colour blind except for Neti and me!!!
The Germans are all landing tomorrow, OMG. World War III !!!! Better go and dig myself a shelter.
You would be very ashamed of me Jude. I simply don't watch any sport except F1. I shall not be watching any olympics either. I am fed up with all the hullabaloo about the damn games. Baaah, baaaah, humbug.
Bugger off ? Charming ..will do just that then ..byeeee...
Lottie is devastated............................ Didn't mean it Shaney................... honestly.......................... sob sob!!!!!
thwacks Lottie for upsetting Shaney, thwacks Shaney for taking offence :-)
I have had a business day today, would you believe they want more tax off DH? Sadly I checked and they are right so I have coughed up as the deadline is the end of January. I have to sort out my old age pension too. Amazingly all the folk I spoke to today were friendly and helpful which made it easier.
I have made myself a lovely dinner as I ended up eating taoast and greengage jam last night which was delicious but perhaps not as healthy as might be. I have oven roasted vegetables with strips of turkey bread all in one tin in the oven, its starting to smell pretty good....maybe a glass of wine with it too...

I really fancy this kit

or this one

but its quite a lot to spend on frivolity
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evenin all...
ooh shaney have you got surprise visitors for Mr S's birthday? Have a lovely time with them.

I'd be bloomin annoyed about that Jude, bad enough during the day but I hate noise at night. I hope you get some peaceful nights in future

Oh tut woofy, what sort of biddy shopping's that?... they're not handbags or frocks or bling...
I missed the surprise visitor clue how exciting Shaney...Have you resorted to sitting on his chest to get the pills down yet? I roll the dogs' pills in sliced meat...maybe you could slip them into a slice of knackwurst?
Jude next time you go around there, take a baseball bat and ask to speak to the young man concerned :-)
Robi, I am maxed out on bling and handbags (I know impossible but I managed it) and I just bought a load of sweatshirts at Cotton Traders so I need another outlet.
I am back to channelling Kirsty but with edge, hence the kit.
Evening all, well they almost look like the same colour to me too Lottie, so I shall bugger off immediately.

Bro i law is much better in his head, even gives sister advice on his stocks and shares, so that good, I really thought he was gaga for good.

The bl**dy man at the back of my house keeps banging on and on, 3 yrs now although he doesn't do it at night, all day banging in the corner and the whole house echoes with it. I shall sneak back to the Town Hall and denounce him for all this illegal work, I mean we can't get away with building another bedroom which I would dearly love!

Woofy you are very clever dealing with all this tax nonsense, I haven't a clue what to do, I leave it all to others.

Oight oight all.
Neti Eleanor Roosevelt said that women are like teabags, you never know how strong they are till they get in hot water. Equally you have NO IDEA what you can do until not doing it is not an option.
I have had half a bottle of champagne tonight and one glass of it might have had some pore william liqueur in it and I I might have had some Hotel Chocolat chocs as well.
the alcololololol has had the desired effect. I was knackered last night and still couldn't sleep. Oight ought all

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