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Travelodge V Mud Hut?

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ToraToraTora | 15:46 Fri 15th Dec 2017 | News
74 Answers
tricky one! They should leave them alone but now it's been publicised every weirdo on the planet will be doing the same so I can see why the authorities have to act.


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Eddie...get a life!
Yes, there would be an outcry in that case.

But these folks want to live in a self-build.......and it's not actually a mud-hut.
Jack....judging by that picture its a mud bath !
I understand why some people would want this kind of lifestyle.
No-one is suggesting that you ought to live in it Mikey....
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eddie ummmm is the expert on chemicals, filtering 1000s through her lungs about 40 times a day, how can you compete with that level if experience?
40 times a day eh?
I feel sorry for them and wish they could be left alone.
There mad.
We have had this "allergy business" several times in the past, one of which i remember was a pop artist, singer in Pickety Witch.
It is nonsense with no evidence to back this up....if they haven't had planning permission like everyone else......knock it down.
This type of build is ideal for many and makes good use of resources easily available.


There are many far more luxurious should you wish, biggest cost is of course the land initially.
They're ^^^^^
Exactly, Mamya.
I think there is a lot to be gained from stepping back from the race to build with evermore non-traditional materials.

Some people find their lifestyles chime more with a stripped-back non-technological way of living.

I find it fascinating.
Mamy...that place look rather nice, whereas the place in question in this thread looks like a damp, lean-to, unsanitary shed, above a river.

But Sqad is right....the real issue here is not whether this hut/shed is nice or not, or even if this woman is really ill or not. It has been built without planning permission.

And its difficult to see how planning permission would have been granted, even if it had been applied for.
That last photo of the interior looks lovely and cosy.
I really think buildings of this type should be embraced. We have a housing shortage in this country and a building like this may go some way to alliviating it...even if only temporaryly.
That's probably because you don't have much of a clue about Planning Rules and Regulations, Mikey.

Like I said, you don't have to live there. If they are happy to do so, why can't there be an accommodation to make it happen., you are right about my knowledge of Planning Law.

But if this place were pretty certain to have been awarded planning permission, why did this couple not apply for it in the first place ?
It's pretty certain that the Local Authority would have knocked back any application.
However, had the couple had the funds to get a Planning Consultant involved, had graphs and pie-charts drawn-up, produced topographical studies, prevailed upon the various bodies responsible for over-seeing the countryside....and on and on....
there is every possibility someone would have seen fit to champion it and the Head of the Planning Department could have appeared in some publication complimenting himself for the 'modern-thinking' and 'environment-first' policies of his Council....
Have stayed in a Travelodge many times over the years. Not 5* but more than adequate for a night or two and always found them clean and comfortable.
maggie...that is the problem with these two as apparently they are "allergic" to cleanliness and comfort, although looking at the size of her, it hasn't put her off her appetite.
LOL @ Sqad!

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