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Travelodge V Mud Hut?

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ToraToraTora | 15:46 Fri 15th Dec 2017 | News
74 Answers
tricky one! They should leave them alone but now it's been publicised every weirdo on the planet will be doing the same so I can see why the authorities have to act.


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Not sure what is LOl about the usual predictable comments but hey ,easily pleased.

We do all agree they should have got planning first,after that I'll allow folk to live on their own land as they see fit.
Do you need planning permission for a structure with no foundations?

Sadly they did not follow the course of action suggested by JTH @ 16:13, so, no Planning Permission, no Mud Hut, simples!
I really enjoy Ben Fogle's New Lives in the Wild. This week's was particularly fascinating.
I really admire people who live their life they way they want to and not how society expects them to. Seems to me this particular couple are self funding and not living off the state, so good luck to them
This is not a permanent building so I am not convinced that planning permission is required.
Change of use from 'shed' to residential, maybe.
I agree with you hc.
Someone booked me into a Travelodge at Gatwick Airport. I'd have preferred the mud hut.
We've always wanted to build an Earth Ship, not a country which smiles on unorthodox builds though the UK, however there are a couple here but very much run of the mill as earth ships go :/
I think I'd quite like to live in their 'mud house'. I also quite fancy cave homes in Spain.

Travelodge is ok. It's great for one or two nights, and cheap enough for OH and I to have seperate rooms. No snoring! Bliss!
Well I'll be damned, Earthship snobbery. :-)
Yeah our bottle walls are all Moet and Veuve de Clicquot Douglas, none of your Budeweisers 'ere ;)
All they need to do is go through the proper channels. Of course it is quite likely that the land is designated pastoral or agricultural which may present some problems but we all have to abide by the rules or anarchy would ensue.

Now all councils have to do is also enforce the same rules ad regulations n the travelling community.
A question that always springs to mind when I see things like this is "Where do they dispose of their sewage?"
They compost it.
In the river perhaps NJ ?

Don't you think that might just be illegal Mikey?
Not a good idea Mikey, get a composting loo.
Baldric....not sure, but they are living in a shed/hut that they don't have planning permission for, and that definitely is illegal.
Don't be ridiculous Mikey they are conscious of treading lightly on the environment they are hardly going to contaminate the river.

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