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Travelodge V Mud Hut?

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ToraToraTora | 15:46 Fri 15th Dec 2017 | News
74 Answers
tricky one! They should leave them alone but now it's been publicised every weirdo on the planet will be doing the same so I can see why the authorities have to act.


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Eccles...calm down remarks was meant tongue in cheek !
Never, ever call me dear again or I will cyber slap you.
Calm down Eccles !
Eccles....when I was a schoolboy, in the 60's, it was the done thing to put a book down the back of our trousers, when appearing before the Beak.....would I need to do that for a cyber slap as well ?
It's worse than that.
"Kate said she was allergic to the mains water, electricity, wi-fi and even the paint on the walls at a 21st century home"

Does anyone think that is remotely true ?
I fully agree with JTH on this. I do not think the couple in question are doing any harm. There is far too much big brother here with planning permission etc. There will soon have to be permission to breathe. Just leave them alone to get on with their lives.
Ron....the Planning Laws are there to protect everybody....people can't pick and choose which laws they are going to abide by.

//It is a contentious topic among some medical professionals, and there is disagreement over whether it is a genuine condition//

From OP Link
How anyone could be allergic to electricity or wifi is beyond me.
"How anyone could be allergic to electricity is beyond me".

Perhaps you should ask those unfortunates in the US who have gone to the Chair.
lol Jack !
Oh dear being patronising again I see mikey ...

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