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Yet Another Brexit Disaster

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Hymie | 11:40 Tue 27th Dec 2022 | News
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Apparently thousand of postal packages per day are being returned from Ireland (to GB) for not having the required digital codes added to the package, allowing their tax status to be identified.

The EU rules (known as Customs 2020) are required on postal items arriving from outside the EU; these rules were first implemented by Ireland, but are due to come into force across the whole of the EU next month.

Although this will affect many private citizens sending items to family & friends - small businesses will be hit hardest with non-delivery of orders, ultimately with those in Europe seeking alternate suppliers (not from within GB).

Remember the Brexiteers telling us red-tape would be reduced following Brexit?



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//What NJ and the Brexiteers don’t understand is that since Brexit we are a third country outside the EU, and as such have no say in how they operate…//

I understand that perfectly, as I made clear early on in this thread.

// expect them to make some concession (say with regards seed potatoes or any other goods) is naive in the extreme (even if it might be beneficial to both parties).

But that’s what normal countries do. If an activity is beneficial to both and harmful to neither, they come to an agreement about that particular activity. The EU does not operate on the lines that a normal country does. “There can be no exceptions” is their mantra even when, as you say, an exception will benefit some of its members. The seed potato issue illustrates that perfectly and if you read the report I provided you will see that. In fact, it could be argued that using seed potatoes from some other European countries rather than Scotland may be positively harmful to EU farms. But “there can be no exceptions”, so that’s that.

//Brexiteers now cannot complain about something that has happened that they voted for.//

I’m not complaining. Their club, their rules. I’m simply pointing our how silly some of their rules are and why, because of that and many other reasons, we’re better off out.
If Hymie's post at 08.24 is aimed at me for my post then I suggest reading it again. All I said was that it is no good keeping moaning about it. What is done is done and we have to get on with it. Good or bad only time will tell and we have to give it time. We have no choice anyway. Moaning about it nonstop isn't going to change things and it must depress you. There are many things I don't like but no good moaning nonstop, see the good things in life and get on with it. As I have said many times if you would be happier in the EU then go there and live. Just get on with life as you only get one chance so go do what makes you happy.
bang on shedman
Ditto tora...and I was a Remain voter but am equally fed up with this stuff. I just don't see the point. Maybe in 5 years when the dust settles we can decide whether to see closer relations but there's no chance of a full return on good terms for 10 years at least
Good post New Judge, but your wasting your time. There are those that just can't or won't understand. Personally, like you, I am so glad we left. There were always going to be problems. The EU is showing itself to be what it really is now and I'm proud about not being part of it.
There is no chance of any return on "good" terms. That ship has sailed and is something people like Hymie (not people like you Bobb) fail to realize.

Re-joining now would be crippling.
I am encouraged that many remainers now accept that we are out and should get on with it. Hymie et al continually cherry picking things to support their "we must rejoin" arguments just shows them up for what they are. Most intelligent remainers accept that to rejoin now would be so punishing, so humiliating that even they would not want to rejoin.
Hymie - do you not believe in democracy? The nation was given a choice and, those who could be bothered to vote, chose to leave the EC. Like bobb, I voted to remain but I now realise that now we all have to pull together to make leaving work as best we can. Rejoining just will not work as we'll end up a lot worse off than we were before we left; the EC will make sure of that.
NJ, "But “there can be no exceptions”, so that’s that."

No countries have opt-outs?
'From conflicts of interest in awarding government contracts to undue influence by business on politics, from bribes to the use of personal connections when accessing public services, corruption takes many forms across the European Union (EU)' cont.

Transparency International
To be fair Khandro that applies to pretty much every Government. Of course the larger the Government the easier it is to commit such acts.
Gness @ 13.48 Spot on ,like yourself we used to buy lots of merchandise from the UK . But now have to shop in EU Countries, Especially Germany.
As you say Brexit has no benefit for the UK.
Gulliver, // But now have to shop in EU Countries, Especially Germany. //

If you love the EU so much what's not to like about that?
Your loss then too?
Agree there's no net benefits but that ships sailed. What's the point apart from saying ' haha told you so'
Isn't it time we just dropped the words Brexit, brexiteers and remainers. I expected problems. We left and we will make the best of it now. To be honest, I wished to be out long before Brexit, when the original purpose of the EU changed. And to be honest Tora's comparison with the USSR isn't far out!
And before I am accused of being a Boris loving die hard conservative, I would add that I voted Conservative only recently because there was no alternative. And I'm glad I did!
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And still the only Brexit benefits of note are those posted by me: 14:27 Tue 27 Dec.

The majority now accept that Brexit was a mistake; how should we correct that mistake?
So you don't know?
Hymie, why are you so weak? Does that not worry you?
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Maybe we should correct that mistake by re-joining?

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