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Yet Another Brexit Disaster

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Hymie | 11:40 Tue 27th Dec 2022 | News
160 Answers
Apparently thousand of postal packages per day are being returned from Ireland (to GB) for not having the required digital codes added to the package, allowing their tax status to be identified.

The EU rules (known as Customs 2020) are required on postal items arriving from outside the EU; these rules were first implemented by Ireland, but are due to come into force across the whole of the EU next month.

Although this will affect many private citizens sending items to family & friends - small businesses will be hit hardest with non-delivery of orders, ultimately with those in Europe seeking alternate suppliers (not from within GB).

Remember the Brexiteers telling us red-tape would be reduced following Brexit?



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Gness @ 13.48 Spot on ,like yourself we used to buy lots of merchandise from the UK . But now have to shop in EU Countries, Especially Germany.

Go tell...what merchandise?
Hymie, could you answer my question please? Why are you so afraid of letting go of nanny's controlling hand? You're a big boy now.
Hymie, your mind really is closed to everything except what you believe is right. The majority of people who could be bothered to vote was to leave whether right or wrong we will have to wait and see but in your eyes they were all wrong and you were right.
We are out and there we will stay for the foreseeable future so get used to it. Have a chill pill and get on with the rest of your life. Moaning non stop day after day, week after week and month after month won't help that's for sure. Be happy and enjoy life as there is nothing you can do to change things.
09.03 New mod ...I did like to order goods from UK to try and help your failing economy .and UK slipping from a third country,.... into a Third World Country.
Gulliver, if you're talking to me I have a name. Please use it.
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Naomi24: Why am I so weak?
Once a person makes a mistake, only a stupid person continues to exacerbate that mistake.

An intelligent person will do what they can to correct the mistake, or take steps to minimise the effects of the mistake – which of these paths are the Brexiteers taking?
10 22 Kangaroos.
I personally feel that Brexit was voted in for 2 reasons both of which are intertwined- control and immigration.
Neither of which have been solved.
However it has caused great disruption and difficulties for some U.K. subjects.
Naomi @ 10 36... No doubt about that.
Hymie, you think it was a mistake. I don't.
Gulliver, is that you being rude again?
10 22 Kangaroos.

Is that the best you can do?
You come across as a fantasist, gulliver.

Have you got a real a credible answer?
R.H @ 10.39 Brexit was nothing to with Immigration . Naomi has reminded us of that , many, many ,times.
"Once a person makes a mistake, only a stupid person continues to exacerbate that mistake." Like repeatedly posting 'facts' that are then shot down in flames - its like groundhog day yet again.
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The majority believe Brexit to be a mistake.
I rest my case!
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For how much longer are Brexiteers going to refuse to believe the OBR and deny the damage done to the UK economy as a direct result of Brexit – some people just refuse to accept the truth.

No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories – with people willing to believe what is clearly false.
"The majority believe Brexit to be a mistake". Only in your closed mind Hymie.
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Now the Brexiteers are refusing to accept polling data showing that a clear majority believe Brexit to be a mistake.
There's nothing wrong with Brexit, the problem is that the Tories (whom I've now abandoned) have been incompetent at carrying out the promises which we Brexiteers voted for.

Immigrants are pouring into the country at an unprecedented rate, British waters are still being cleaned out by foreign fishing vessels, & there's more, but I won't bore you.

2024 election ? Reform UK, deffo!

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Yet Another Brexit Disaster

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