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Yet Another Brexit Disaster

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Hymie | 11:40 Tue 27th Dec 2022 | News
160 Answers
Apparently thousand of postal packages per day are being returned from Ireland (to GB) for not having the required digital codes added to the package, allowing their tax status to be identified.

The EU rules (known as Customs 2020) are required on postal items arriving from outside the EU; these rules were first implemented by Ireland, but are due to come into force across the whole of the EU next month.

Although this will affect many private citizens sending items to family & friends - small businesses will be hit hardest with non-delivery of orders, ultimately with those in Europe seeking alternate suppliers (not from within GB).

Remember the Brexiteers telling us red-tape would be reduced following Brexit?



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It was a mistake... but rejoining isnt an option this decade and maybe not in my lifetime. And as for what people think were the reasons (immigration or otherwise) dont matter does it, we'll never know and cant do owt about it.
Gulliver please don’t pull me into your petty point scoring
What I think was the big mistake bobinwales was not to ask us before they went and joined it in the first place. We were asked about the common market which was just about trading to going all in and being told by others what we could and couldn't do and them making laws we had to follow.
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Ah yes, our UK fishing industry which was used as a ‘Poster boy’ for the Brexiteers – and how important to the UK it is.

I read somewhere recently that the UK fishing industry is of the same value to our economy as our lawnmower industry (in other words sod all).
Hymie, //Now the Brexiteers are refusing to accept polling data showing that a clear majority believe Brexit to be a mistake. //

We accepted polling data that told us the overwhelming result of a referendum would to 'Remain'. Even David Cameron believed that one.
To sod all needs a more robust machine than a lawnmower.
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//Naomi24 – never one let the facts influence what they post:-//

Well coming from you that has the be the laugh of the day.

Brexit was the right choice IMHO, get over it there is no going back.

As for polls presented as fact, well........
Data from between 2012 and 2020? Referendum 2016. What are you trying to say, Hymie?
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youngmafbog – would you care to identify factually incorrect information I’ve posted on this site?
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Naomi24 – are you unable to comprehend a graphical representation of data?
Evidently not, Hymie. What are you trying to say?
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If you cannot comprehend graphical data, there is a tab in the link (Table – in blue) which gives the polling data in numerical percentages.
Think we'er all at cross purposes arguing the details. Hymie either wants all Brexit voters to admit they were dumb/conned/both or is under the missaprehension we can just go back to EU and say "sorry, please have us back on old terms asap"
Hymie, just answer the question. What are you trying to say?
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Having made the mistake of leaving the EU, it’s unlikely they’d let us re-join on the same terms (but they might, given that we were a net contributor).

Sadly, once reality dawns on population and our politicians – it will take many years to undo the damage and probably not in my lifetime; but at least the young would get the benefits lost as a result of leaving the EU.
//youngmafbog – would you care to identify factually incorrect information I’ve posted on this site?//

Easy, using a poll to validate your statement.

Polls are not facts mate.
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Naomi24 – if you post a date on which you want to know the percentage of the UK residents that would vote leave/remain, I’ll post the polling percentages (nearest to that date) from the link.
Polls prove nothing Hymie, why dont you get that?
Hymie, I don't want to know. The result was 'Leave'. We left.

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Yet Another Brexit Disaster

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