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I Wonder If The Thoughts Of The Idf Artillerymen Inflicting...

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sandyRoe | 10:15 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | News
89 Answers

... collective punishment on the many innocents in Gaza, ever turn to the attack on the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto?

A small, lightly armed, force of Jews stood up to the might of the German army during the siege in the 1940s.  

One set of lightly armed men are considered heroes, another sub-human scum.



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Oh Sandy, and I thought you were from Ireland.
20:45 Tue 24th Oct 2023

NAOMI, "we really shouldn't be trying to score points" I agree but neither should every claim be accepted at face value.

"The first casualty when war comes is truth"



//The first casualty when war comes is truth//



Sandy - In this situation, the only thoughts the military have.on either side, is how much they hate their counterparts, with a depth of feeling beyond our compression, drilled into them from birth onwards. 

I doubt they make a particular distinction between military and civilian casualties, destruction of the enemy is the object, and both sides are vigorously aiming to achieve it first.

Because it was lifetimes' ago.

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A few years ago I walked in Spain with a group which included a retired psychiatrist from Norway.  He said he had spent the final years of his career working with Israeli soldiers in a mental hospital.

If he was telling the truth, and I have no reason to doubt him, it seems some soldiers do have serious problems when they have time to reflect on what they've done.

....well I doubt the baby decapitating hamas animals have any such remorse.

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You know that the story about decapitated babies is a lie.  Repeating a lie won't make it true.

It's not a lie. many accounts.

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Any reputable newspaper or broadcasting org carried this story, with evidence?

You'd think they'd be full of it, if there was any truth in it.

Sandy; sadly, truth is whatever you want to hear nowadays. AB is full of that attitude.

TORATORATORA, multiple accounts do not make something a fact if those accounts are based on something that is unsubstantiated.

No babies killed? Hamas must have been awfully clever to fire hundreds of missiles at Israel and avoid civilian casualties.

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There are false claims that babies were deliberately beheaded.  

It's propaganda and many believe what they want to believe.

naomi's question

Corby, this mentions the charred body of an infant - but we really shouldn't be trying to score points - or even discussing which atrocity is worse.  That really is crass. 

What Hamas did was inhuman.  I think we can probably all agree on that ... can't we?


TCL's reply

NAOMI, "we really shouldn't be trying to score points" I agree but neither should every claim be accepted at face value.

"The first casualty when war comes is truth"



Am I surprised?


Question Author

There are false claims that babies were deliberately beheaded.  

It's propaganda and many believe what they want to believe.


Crazy argument.

I haven't seen any evidence that hamas beheadead babies but that doesn't make their other actions any less revolting.



so is this made up then?



Whi is that aimed at?

Sorry couldn't find a video of an actual beheading but will a daughter being shot through the head in front of her family do?

19:29, the terrorist apologists, who else?

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Well, no.  That hardly substantiates your claim.

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