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I Wonder If The Thoughts Of The Idf Artillerymen Inflicting...

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sandyRoe | 10:15 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | News
89 Answers

... collective punishment on the many innocents in Gaza, ever turn to the attack on the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto?

A small, lightly armed, force of Jews stood up to the might of the German army during the siege in the 1940s.  

One set of lightly armed men are considered heroes, another sub-human scum.



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Oh Sandy, and I thought you were from Ireland.
20:45 Tue 24th Oct 2023

so that is not sufficient evidence of attrocities in terrorist apologist land? Right oh!

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It's not evident that babies were beheaded.  That's a lie that you've been promoting as though it was gospel truth.

TTT, it is an unsubstantiated claim. The factual atrocities carried out  by hamas are enough to make your average decent human being detest hamas...stick to those.



TTT - You keep talking about 'apologists' - who exactly do you think is an apologist?

This hasn't aged well...










Tora, I am intrigued - who are these 'terrorist lovers' you refer to?

I see no overt support of Hamas anywhere on this thread, or any others.

sorry I can't find an actual beheaded baby, I thought even the Hamas fan club would accept the video above of some sort of evodence of attrocities. So all the people in the kibutz and the rock festival were lying about their experiences were they. Right oh! It's atonishing the lengths you lot will go.

The apologists are those on here who are continually trying to spin this whole thing as Israels fault/serves them right etc. They know who they are.

TTT - Time to put up, or shut up.

Your continual assertions of 'sympathisers' is meaningless unless you are willing to back it up.

I am sure any 'sympathisers' cab defend themselves, if they know who you believe them to be.

^ 🙄

I think 19:44 covers it.

That's not how covering it works.

AH and co, So you think the video at 19:26 is fake? You want me to find an actual picture of a beheaded baby? You don't believe the many accounts of attrocities from the Kibutz and the rock festival? Time for you lot to put up or shut up I'd say.

TTT - I have not mentioned any video.

My question asks you to name the 'sympathisers' you are banking on about.

Start with menus you like - but not unreasonably, I'm going to require some evidence to back up your claim. 

Are you trying to get me suspended?

Can you assure me that I wont get suspended? Also answer my questions at 19:55.

They don't sympathise directly they continually post anti Israel posts when Israel are the victims. Surely that is an indicator.

No, no, and I'm not going to dignify your moral high ground hysteria. 

If you cannot back up your ridiculous OTT nonsense stop posting it.

There are a lot of anti-Israel posts here.  

You answer my questions I'll answer yours Andy but I will need the editors assurance that I will not be suspended. Dunno why you seem to be the group spokesman anyway.

TTT - I am not facilitating this nasty crass witch hunt you are determined to pursue.

Your interpretation of any posts is your right.


Using your interpretations to malign other posters with snide hints is not.

If you have an issue with a post, or poster, do as I do - identify it and discuss it directly with the person you disagree with, and stop this dreadful hinting and spitting venom obliquely. 

Your intent on owning the moral high groups is preventing you from debating fairly.

Any suspensions, past or future, are your responsibility alone.

AH: "TTT - I am not facilitating this nasty crass witch hunt you are determined to pursue." - funny, I feel like the witch here. I'm the bad guy for not having the correct view that we must all hate Israel and have sympathy for Hamas because it's "their land". I don't think my questions at 19:55 are unreasonable.

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