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I Wonder If The Thoughts Of The Idf Artillerymen Inflicting...

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sandyRoe | 10:15 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | News
89 Answers

... collective punishment on the many innocents in Gaza, ever turn to the attack on the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto?

A small, lightly armed, force of Jews stood up to the might of the German army during the siege in the 1940s.  

One set of lightly armed men are considered heroes, another sub-human scum.



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Oh Sandy, and I thought you were from Ireland.
20:45 Tue 24th Oct 2023

The post at 6.42 in the above thread referring to Hamas as "freedom fighters" IS showing support for their terrorism.

TTT - You can have any view you like for me, as long as you respect the rights of others to view differently.


And I answered your questions.

AH: oh yes "No, no, and I'm not going to dignify your moral high ground hysteria." - So you do you accept the accounts of the attrocities or not? simple enough.

DD, yes that's the sort of thing. They haven't got the guts to come clean so they drop this sort of snide reference and rubbish the other side. Classic left wing approach.

And there won't be none of those lefties in MY golf club bar, no error, end of.

TTT, if you stick to information that can be verified you can't be accused of making it up.  The video posted earlier of Hamas terrorising a Jewish family in their own home is genuine.  I watched it on BBC news last night and it had me in tears.  Horrendous.

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If you're in the unfortunate position to have to struggle, and put your life and liberty at risk in the process,  to free your country and your people from oppression, what else would you be but a freedom fighter?

Oh Sandy, and I thought you were from Ireland.

TTT - I have made no mention of accounts of atrocities on either side.

I have pointed out the both sides paint themselves as the victims, and the other side as the murderers. 

As to the veracity of any and all reports, if they are verified by an unbiased news source, I am happy to accept them, if not, I am not.

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I love the unstated humour.  :-)

20:39, there are never going to be pictures of the attrocities committed in the kibutz/rock festival, just too gruesome. So there will never be "evidence" that satisfies the doubters.

AH: "TTT - I have made no mention of accounts of atrocities on either side." - no but I am asking you if you accept the accounts of the attrocites at the kibutz and the rock festval. Why is that too difficult for you to answer?

TTT, it doesn't matter.  No one in their right mind can watch that video and think that's okay.  That should tell them all they need to know.  Hamas are monsters.

TTT - I don't know who these 'doubters' are, and you have ducked the responsibility of saying who you believe them to be, so there is nothing more I can add to what I have said already. 

If you think that makes me a Hamas 'sympathiser', that's on you. 

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Are Hamas any more monstrous than the gunners who are lobbing shells tonight onto the homes of innocence people in Gaza?

TTT at 20.48 - I answered you at 20.46, are you actually reading what I post, before replying?

AH: well you leave me no choice: "SO, you don't beleive the accounts of the attrocities Hamas committed at the kibutz and the rock festival. right oh!

AH: "As to the veracity of any and all reports, if they are verified by an unbiased news source, I am happy to accept them, if not, I am not." - So do you consider them veracious?

Goodnight TTT.

Yes, sandyRoe, they are.  What they do is not warfare.

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