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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Oops Hiya Shaney. Hope you are ok today. We just crossed in the post.
I'm sorry Shaney I obviously am half asleep and didn't take in your thread bout have a rough day with Picky's stuff etc.
Hope you feel better now after the whisky!
Hey Jude !
The whisky is slipping down nicely :)
Picky is now probably heaving stuff up the stairs into his new home after his mother helped him to heave it down the stairs from here :)
I've had enough today .Have you got ,can I have , do you need ?
I'll be back to sort this ,that and the other ,don't panic mother .......aaargh .....

I love him though
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morning all, there's always blooming something. We were warned that the radiotherapy could upset his tum and make him sicky and it hit like a thunderbolt last night. Its a little better this morning and he's driven himself to dialysis...
Morning all...In a nutshell, snail pace on here, hope it gathers speed 'cos it's piddling down out there as forecast...had a crip night's sleep, I just don't feel good half the time & when I do I'm wearing myself thin(ner, haha) trying to do 'stuff'. Now up to 10 viola seedlings Jude!

Sorry Mr w's feeling rough woofy, took me sooo long to post last night you weren't there when I popped in.

KBO Mrs shifter! If Tarquin decides to flit he can get his running team to help him, they can do it relay stylie :)
ooh, light showers today, heavy showers tomorrow, heavy rain Monday... I hacked back some hedge plants yesterday that had been allowed to grow to tree height and were showering sticky flowers over the ground and nearby cars. Plus had lunch at a Sicilian restaurant in Soho, then went to an Afghanistan exhibition that had some beautiful things in it


So now I can huddle indoors for a few days and stay dry.
Morning all, Neti's Taxi Service here, am doing a run about every two hours today and then another one at midnight, and I would love a beer!!
you'll just have to settle for rainwater - it's presisting down here and I can't get to the brewery.
Hello chums
Not a very nice day here at Shaneys Removals PLC .Pouring with rain stair rod stylie :(
It looks as if it's set in for the duration .I suppose summer is over .
I've been half heartedly sorting some things out and have two charity bags to fill but I've lost interest now and doing crosswords .
Hope all well as can be expected in this lot and that Mr. Woofy feels better today .
See you later .Be good .
Hear hear hope Mr woofy feels better, is he driving the big car or the bike?

Have told Mr N that I am going to England in September, he seemed surprised (err I go every year!) but he's fine with it.
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hello all, Neti, he went in the car. I went out and took advice from our very helpful local pharmacist and i think we can get through it. He came home, took the meds I bought, had half a cup of Ribena which praise the lord has stayed down, and went to bed. he doesn't have to do anything now till monday afternoon. which is his next RT treatment.
We were warned that this might happen and that if it does, it can continue after the RT is finished so next two weeks or so look challenging, he has treatments every day next week and then monday and tuesday of the following week. What took both of us by surprise was how quickly it came on.
Oh dear Woofy I feel for you and Mr W. I really don't know what to say except I hope he gets through his treatment without too much discomfort.

I've had a busy day cleaning AGAIN. It was raining until about 2.30 so I just got cracking. Then I nipped to Sainsburys to spend my £10 voucher. Toilet rolls also on offer, Kitchen towels etc. I have another one for next week and then I expect they will stop coming as they seem to be to keep us in touch with them during the renovations.
You have the magic touch when it comes to gardening Robi. My geraniums that I kept in the shed all through the winter have thrived so I'm pleased with that but not much else has. Still I'll keep trying with my violas.

I have a friend coming tonight bringing a photo printer I gave him which has conked, so I'm going to see if I can help get it sorted.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Just collected Mr N from golf so we picked up a curry take away as it was too late for me to start preparing a dinner!! Now having a rest until 23.45 when I have to collect hija. I even had a beer while waiting for the take away, it was lovely!
Hiya folks.

Been shopping for clothes with Mr LL for Mr LL! I expected a nightmare but in the end it wasn't too bad. He needed a new jacket and shirt for the upcoming wedding and didn't wan't to wear a suit, which i can understand. Anyway jacket, shirt and tie and now bought and very nice and trendy they are too. Jacket in sale reduced from £350 to something a bit more reasonable, but it looks the biz and in my opinion is worth the money.

Hope Mr Woofy is feeling better after his rest/sleep.

I am now worn out - Norwich on Saturday in pouring rain is a nightmare. I thought the rain might make people stay away from the shops - no such luck. Sunny and bright late afternoon and this evening, but no exactly warm.
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Hello all, thanks for the good wishes, the worst is subsiding, hopefully he will now be able to keep some pain relief down which will help. I just feel so helpless, we know e has to get through it.
Thinking of you Woofy and hope you both get a good nights rest x

Stll hissing down here .I don't think it's stopped all day .
Rather you than me round Norwich in the rain Lofty .It's always packed whatever the weather :)
Perhaps it'll brighten up tomorrow with any luck .
Goodnight all .Sleep tight .
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here we go again....doc is on his way out.....
I'm with you Woofy and thinking about you and I'll pray to whoever is looking after me to help you both. I know that sound a bit shallow but whover it is really helps me sometimes.
That puts all my very trying evening into perspective so I wont say any more except
Goodnight all my lovely Biddyfriends x
Thinking of you both woofy, jude says it all!

Just back from hotel run, up again at 7am!!

Night night all xxx

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