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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Hello all, been whizzing round sorting things....DH tired but normal (his normal lol) thank you for the continued good thoughts...Robi feel better soon....Neti, go and hot-wire a car :-),s:0&biw=981&bih=661
I've got a cash stash .It's a large tin which I covered with fancy decoupage and then cut a hole in the lid .All my spare change goes in and then I get a nice surprise when it's full.Failing that I raid Pickys Paddy Bear money box ..

Talking of which ,will he ever go !
I've just seen him off with loads of towels ,teatowels etc .A food processor,coffee machine and a vacuum cleaner .I'm glad to see the back of that Dyson thing though .He's welcome to it .
I bought some slices of salt beef at the butchers and he's eaten it all in sarnies !
We didn't get a look in .
Would you all like to look round my local butcher ? Lol.
You have to click on the pictures .

Had some rain here and managed to dodge the drops back from errands .
KBO dear friends ....KBO :))
Looks a good shop Shaney. The problem I have though is that I can't stand the smell in any butchers shops. Even the best have a smell that turns my tum. I do better when meat doesn't look like meat and comes wrapped and in clingfield.

Chicken is my worse phobia. I just hate the smell and feel of raw chicken.
Will you have anything left when Picky finally takes when he needs. Perhaps he will come back for you as he needs your cooking. Is his new flat on the corner of the street. I saw some nice new ones on the bottom of the street looking towards the city on the right hand side.
It's a third floor flat Lofty .I think it's on the corner .He's going to pick me up to go and have a look at some stage .
It's gated so he has a space for his car and the ruddy bikes :) The other two cars are still on our drive !
All mod cons with a lift etc and concierge ..hahaa.

I have loads of stuff to give him willingly . Ma in law left us very well off in the towel/bedlinen/ cutlery / glass and china dept :) Plus I think I've only used the food processor once and we had two coffee machines anyway .

I am sooo annoyed .I went into Debenhams a week or so ago and saw a lovely jacket .45 Quid .They've reduced it to 22.50 on line but not my size .
I shall bolt up town tomorrow to see if they have any in store .

This butchers doesn't smell at all of blood and sawdust Lofty :)
It's spotless and the meat is top class.But you pay top dollar !!
I've just been watching people buy books - amazing what the internet shows...
Must be the flats I saw Shaney. New ones. Very nice indeed!!

It's not a dirty smell or blood smell I don't like, even in the cleanest of butchers there is this smell. Perhaps it is psychosschem...... psysco.................. all in the mind. It may, however, be some sort of cleaning fluid. I really don't know, just a weird smell.
Lol....I buy very few books these days Jno .
I get my moneys worth from the council tax and use our excellent library service .Mind you they are cutting opening times etc ,when they hadn't long ago extended them . But they cater for my murder mystery penchant so I'm happy.I can get through several books in a week .
I have no more room for books .I'm inundated with books .In the loft ,on shelves ,at the container store in wooden crates .I have books coming out my earholes :)
The only books I buy these days are for pressies for others or the odd cookbook .I have enough reference books and dictionaries to sink a ship :)
In fact I'll be shipping lots of them out as soon as !
Evenin all...lovely butchers shaney, do you think they'd sell me a head? Anything...pig...sheep...chicken? I'm sick to bl00dy death of this one... bang..throb...
And smashing jacket, I do like that, it's very me but it's not in my size either :o(. I like the Maine range. The problem is if you wait for the sales it either sells out or, like you, it's not the right size. I'd been watching that lovely patchwork leather bag in sold out at full price, tut.
That is a very nice jacket Shaney. I have one similar, but it's different!! Actually mine is a lighter weight and a bit longer. Very useful though.

Hi Robi!!

Have you tried this for your headache.

ps...Tarquin left behind three wade piggy banks...all empty :o( He's got them back now, at my insistence. My stash doesn't need to be secret I suppose, I do like to have enough handy for emergencies or in case I have to take off in a taxi somewhere, old habits etc. Funnily enough I asked T to get something out of the cupboard for me recently & he found it, haha.
It's so annoying Robinia .I dithered in Debs over that jacket but thought ..hang on's bound to be on sale soon ...pee po piddle .I will schlepp to town tomorrow .Watch this space :)
I hope your headache soon clears up .It's the weather lass .So unsettled and thundery.It's really muggy here now and overcast .
I don't know which ache goes where or what to do with it :)
Dear old Dennis tonight !
♫It's alright, it's OK, doesn't really matter if you're old and grey ♫
Oooh no Lottie I haven't but I will now thanks! It won't do any harm will it & the funny thing is I always head for mint sweets (usually polos) when I don't feel well.
CAr's back, Mr N's back, handbag's back, phones are back, money is back and hja is off!
I'm still smarting over missing that khaki padded coat with the fur collar in M&S & that was last winter, haha.

heck, is it New Tricks again already? The weeks go quickly.
I like that jacket shaney and I like the price.
Robi, you could always put your head in a bush like the lady in the Ad!!

Try peppermint oil though, as you say it can't do any harm.

My eyes are stinging and streaming. Something has set them off, but what I don't know. I haven't been outside in the garden or anything. It is so embarrassing when it happens. Nose is running too.
hahahaha...'Someone' just bought the A-Z of Knitting in Oz...wonder if it was my son? He must be feeling the cold :o)

someone needs to knit neti a vest for her marauding chest
Ah yes ..peppermint .Good stuff .I drink peppermint tea with honey for the old stomach and IBS malarkey .
Camomile is good too ,with honey .
Talking of honey ( I never did find that jar ,must have left on the checkout ) I went into Morrisons to get their eucalyptus honey. None to be seen .There's a shortage of honey so they reckon .I read something about a shortage of bees too.
Which is strange because we usually have lots of bees in the garden but thinking about it they are a bit few and far between lately .

Lol ..Neti .You can relax now !

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