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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Morning & dismal here and I'm not sure whether to have a haircut or go fishing (it's a Nottm saying) :o).

Well done jno's OH...and you only have to ask...

Well there was actually some good tele last night, well I thought so anyway but I am a woman of simple taste. There was pt1 of 6 of a new drama called The Hour, set in a newsroom in London in 1952, did anyone see it? And then on BBC4 I watched The Lost World of Mitchell & Kenyon. Apparently it was on the beeb about 5 yrs ago so you probably saw was film footage from 100+ yrs ago, all painstakingly restored & stored, of people just going about their everyday lives, it was fascinating, some in Nottingham, amazing.

My bra & pants sets come in smartie tubes :o)
Forgot to watch that drama, blast it!! All I saw last night was Police, Camera, Action and The News.

We both had a very early night last night. Very unusual for us to go to bed at the same time. I had a really bad bout of arthritis pain and Mr LL was falling asleep on the Sofa.
Neti, like you I buy the packs of five knickers in either white or black (midi) but have now three pairs of these


oooh la la!!!

and a really nice silver bra!!
And they arrived on flippin's hangers.

LOL about the smartie tube!!
can't imagine anyone wants to see my undies, so this isn't them

I know that that is really you jno!! No need to pretend otherwise. I was just looking at that waist OMG!! I have to search for my waist.
Don't have to search for my waist, it comes out to greet me. Are those the Brasilian pants that are all the rage in m+s at the moment
no problem seeing my waist, it's my feet I have to search for. Still, that's why mirrors were invented.
Don't know what they are called Neti. But I know they are very comfortable and cover well. Nearly waist height (that's if you know where your waist is, and the lace bit covers the bum well.

Stupid really buying knickers for a wedding that won't show and will be covered by trousers!! I might have just as well brought some navy blue bloomers!!!!
Ahem.... and whose are these!!!
I've got a lots of those brazillian pants from about 4 years ago from M & S - all colours!! I bought them instead of those thongy things that came out.
Robi I've download that Hour to watch later, am looking for Mitchell and Kenyon but it's not available on internet yet.
And I wear them! when I'm not on a black or or white week.
Neti, Put your glasses on. I posted a link to them up there ^

They are not Brazilian pants, they are bigger than them!!

Hi Jude - email awaits you.
Hello you lot
Showing your knickers ...tut :)

Hope all are well . Nice day here ,sunny and warm .

Yes I've seen those Mitchell and Kenyon programmes Robinia with whispering Dan .I think it was a three part series .Very interesting .
Before that came on there was a really good programme called Britian through a lens .Btw I've mailed you but I don't know if you've changed your addie with the your new provider .
Nothing exciting happening at Shaneytowers .
I think I'll make a sandwich .
Hi Shaney.

Anyone seen our Woofy today. Were they out today. Am missing her.
Mitchell and Kenyon were very good; I bought the DVD in case I want to watch them again. Don't suppose there's any way I can put it on YouTube and give Neti a link, as I don't know Spanish. There are also DVDs on M&K on sports and M&K in Ireland, I think.
Evenin' anyone else cold? It's been chilly in the house on this dismal day in Derby.
No one else sees my pants ...well, apart from the row of houses who can see my washing line that is. And I spent half the day looking for something & it was in the first place I'd I'm scared I'm turning into a man.

Yes I've got your mail thanks shaney, the yahoo mail addy (which you all receive at moving time) is still the same.

There's another Mitchell and Kenyon next week & the week after I think, I must put a reminder in my mobi. The bloomin thing goes off at all times nowadays, I have to remind myself who I am some days.
Can I offload.

I have a real fit of the depressions. I feel fat and ugly, I am having a grotty time with arthritis pain and I don't want to go to the wedding next week. I try very hard to cope but today I just want to give up. The days that I feel OK are far outnumbered these days by the days I struggle and when I have a really good day then I suffer for it afterwards.

I know there are people that are worse off.

I try to explain to Mr LL how I feel but he doesn't really understand.

Just want to cry at the moment.

See you



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