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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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lovely neti! Done at last...keep on beaming

just passin' throught to tell you there's 25% off everything on Wallis' site today...same old story though, lots of sizes are gone.
and I should get my car back tomorrow, thank heavens!
To Beaming Neti

I drink black tea and it don't half stain your teeth. I use smokers tooth powder two or three times a week and no stains any more. It is a bit abrasive, but I haven't noticed my teeth wearing thin.


The powder is much better than the whitening toothpastes that don't actually touch the stains.

Don't ban me for advertising.

I am now very blonde and feel happier for it. Bought another new top in a local boutique (sale at £20) A pink and grey tunic with a hanky hem. Very designerish and not seen anything like it before. Looks good with my black leggins and pewter gladiator sandals!!

Might wear it out on Monday night - we are going out for a meal with friends.

Feel much better - but I am still fat!!!

Jude - two emails.

Neti - one email
Yes I have at least one lovely tooth and I am still fat! Thanks for that advice lottie, I've even tried Vim and Bicarb (OK so it's no wonder they fall out!) will see if I can get that toothpowder over here, if not I'll get them cleaned and buy some in England.

Mr N is in shock; his van is ready at the cost of 2,500€ - he could have brought another one!!

Must save up and get my hair sorted, luciky it still looks OK usually; although driving me mad!
Oh jno, I wish my teeth were as sparkling as those gnashers, but at least I don't look like a Jeremy Kyler now!!!
Where's Woofie :o(

Night night xxxxx
mmm, had a magic evening out. Our housesitters treated us to dinner at the Pont de la Tour, which is on the Thames right by Tower Bridge. We sat outside, awnings to keep the rain off (there wasn't any), heaters to prevent any chill; and there wasn't any wind either. Then the sun came out just at sunset and lit the city up, and the lights came gradually on over half an hour or so, and the bridge was opened three times too let Thames barges through. The food was nice too, finished with chocolate and cherry mousse, yum
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morning all quick pop in
Funny Shughy story
Tuesday i am getting ready for Sis to come, not a lot to do but enough, Dh is at dialysis, plan is he comes home, we go to treatment, he sees consultant, we meet sis at coach station and come home. I have food shopping and cleaning to do before that while he is at dialysis. Out of nowhere Shughy comes hobbling towards me on three legs, front paw raised whineing piteously. Well you immediately think the worst don't you? Anyway I get him into the living room and at in front of me so I can look at the paw. Very bravely he lets me examine it for the cut I expected to find...nothing..he is sitting there looking away and whining quietly doing his "brave soldier, break it to me gently" act.
I keep hunting for splinter, sore spot....anything at all and there is nothing, literally nothing to find.
Then postie turns up so he pulled his paw out of my hand and runs to bark at the window, no sign of any damage at all....Honestly one day i will swing for that dog!
All goes on okay here, still living the regimented life so a bit short of time for chatting, don't panic if I disappear for a day or so. last radiotherapy on tuesday then I should have a bit more time. Sis is staying on till well after if finishes which is a huge support.
Lottie I am glad that you are feeling more upbeat.
this is for Neti
good wishes and thanks to you all.
Morning woofy, love that doggie dentures, wish my teeth (and they are all still mine except for one) looked like that! Love the shughy story, what a little terror! Hope all is OK for mr w!

Have got car back and have cleaned and valeted it already (at home, no luxuries for me!) and and sitting back in bed. It is horrendously windy, and there is a fire in San Carlos but as no one is turning a hair I think the local peasants are burning their undergrowth!

Hope the rest of you are hale and hearty. jno that sounds like a perfick night out apart from the chocolate (yuk) and cherry mousse!!
Nice to see you Woof. Meggie is just the same. My friend took her for a walk and carried her back for the last couple of hundred yards because "she has injured her foot somehow" She put her down and off Megs bounced on all fours. Have you got any stinging nettles he could have trodden on. If Megs stings herself she acts as if she has broken her leg!!

Good morning by the way, and to Nets, and any otherbiddie!!

Off to garden centre with friend very shortly for our usual browse, cheese scone and coffee and a catch up chat. Sunny one minute and heavy showers the next!

See you later.

Morning all..bit chilly and sunny but it's going to rain later so I must do what I've gotta do before then....ankle permitting that is, grrrrr, I got up with a massive bite right next to my ankle bone, if it swells up into the joint I'm going to be hobbling round for days. Anyway I've taken anti h's, rubbed savlon on & I'll put a cold pack on it at when I can.

Sounds lovely jno, you were lucky, it was cold and windy here yesterday evening, even my permanently tropical friend had a thick cardi was probably when I was gossiping with her over the front gate that I was bitten...that'll teach me :o)

lol @ shughy, do you think he had a dead leg? That happened to Charlie once & I could see it was going to. I noticed he was asleep on his side with his head on one of his front legs. Sure enough, when he woke & started to get up I saw the look on his face as it gave way...he sat down and just stared at it & then looked at me as if to say 'I can see it, but I can't feel it' and came hobbling over & held it up for me to see :o)

I love the google logo again, they're very good sometimes....I see Calder did one of me :o)

... only more mobile, robi?
Think (fingers crossed) hat we may very soon have a legal addy!! I can tell you it is No. 1, El Paissaje, and leave it at that then I cannot be found! Hija and new "friend" are out in my nice clean car going for lunch, he's from Gallicia (no, not the dj anymore!) and I'm letting them use the car so she may move out!! It's a long shot, but I am ever hopeful. It nice and friendly and peaceful when there is just Mr N and myself. Like a bluddy war zone when she is here! She is sharper than the proverbial serpent's tooth!!!
Where's jude, is she off jollying again? Life of Riley that one!
She can't sit still Neti. No wonder she is so trim - dashing here, dashing there...................
Evening all. First sit down I've had all day! Apart from hair cut this morning. walked there and back hoping it wasn't going to rain. Then went know better I would suspect I was pregnant with this craze for that ham :¬) Then I cut the front and back grass before it rained.
Next I had a phone call from Tracey at Boots, head office, saying I could take back my cod liver oil with malt that I had opened but didn't want to take because of the sugar content, so I got on the bus to town and ended up in Vision Express for about an hour choosing some new frames which I got for £5 instead of £85 as they struck a deal with me to have varifocal lenses put in. In total they cost me £251 instead of£336 I really missed my 'varies'.
Now I'm having Crusty cob and ham salad. So that's my day and I haven't been rushing about but just doing stuff.

Have read you posts, and Jno that sounded a lovely night out.
Woofy you have a cheeky little Shughy there.
How about a piccie of your top Lottie. Pleased to hear you chatting about clothes agin.

Neti I'm here!! Pleased you dental work has been sorted ok. You are so good lending Hija your car.

Hope everybody's had a decent day - it's now raining here watering the gardens.

Oh yes forgot to tell you I went to Barton Marina last night for a meal with my sister and her ladiies group. It was really nice.Lovely meal and surroundings. The only disappointment was there wasn't enough Baileys in my coffee but I wasn't going to pay £3.90 for another shot. We had a small coach to take us so it was really relaxing.
Right - cuppa tea time now - laters 'gater(s)
Evening all
I've had a very fraught day .Mr S took poorly in the night .Sweating ,then shivering and feeling generally rotten , couldn't pee then all of sudden it's gushing out ,so wheeled him to the doctor first thing who sent us to the hospital .
Turns out he's got an infection from this ruddy catheter.thing .So we sat up there most of the day while they did this test and that test ,piddling control ,which was hit and miss ,more miss than hit ,and then fitted a new catheter and put him on antibiotics .He looks a bit better now thank goodness and has gone off to bed where I shall shortly be going .I'm cream crackered .

Hope everyone is OK especially Mr Woofy .
Hahaa....dogs do like to play the old sympathy card now and again :)
Take care folks, sleep tight and nighty night xxx
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Oh Shaney I do sympathise, have been where you are and it's horrible. Much better once the antibiotic kicks in, truly frightening when they go downhill so fast. We are bumbling on here. DH very tired but otherwise okay, doc not surprised at tiredness and says he's doing well. We've got a good stock of his sickness meds and some super powerful back up tablets which I think is giving DH such confidence that he won't need them. He went to bed very early tonight and Sis has gone too but fireworks are happening agin so I am sitting here fir a while with the boys waiting for their meds to take effect. Bed in a minute though.
Night night all, sleep well

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