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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Blimey.I thought they closed this site down yonks ago:O)...This was a shot in the dark..and you blighters are still ere.!:O)ta very muchly stick woman fer all the rates fer me draws.Take care you ps..ive joined the Tesco's over 40s dating site...they promised me a bag for life..hehe..!(:O)
Question Author
Hey Vinny, nice to see you, lol at the Tesco's thing. Here we go on another day, hope you all have a good one.
Morning all. Hope you all have a good weekend. The sun is out here let's hope it stays all day and rains a bit during the night.

I'm so sorry Woofy and Shaney I always seem to put stories of my lively life on when Mr. W and Mr S are having more problems. Please don't think I don't care cos I do and I hope they are feeling better soon.

I'll keep it short in future. :¬)

Hello Vin. Great to hear from you. Your usual jokey self and Beatles music. Keep Happy x

Saturday morning cuppa for me at my sister's so I'm off.
Laters 'gater(s)
Morning all..
oh shaney what a rotten day for you both. My bro had one of those infections, they're so fast to take you down. I got a call one morning to say he'd had a fit/convulsion at the breakfast table so off we had to zoom. The anti b's are very good though, he'll soon be back on his feet...and getting under yours x ;o)

Yo Vinny! If I'd known you were comin' I'd have hidden me custards, I see they've all gone :o). Lovely to have you with us, do pop in again but we could be on the move soon.

Looks like being a nice weekend so I hope I can summon up some energy, I went to bed at half past nine last night & watched tele, I was krackered & my ankle was giving me gip. Woke up at 4am & watched the sunrise, it was lovely.

Not much loveliness in Norway today, the news is terrible.
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Jude don't be silly....I love to hear about what everyone is doing even though I don't have much time to comment ATM
Am on phone, just to wish shaney and Mr s well, hope you are recovering. Quick hello to Vinny, how us doing dude? Will chat later when I get home. (Beams at everyone)
back home. Lottie thanks for the toothpowder tip, I managed to get some here, cost 7€ so let's hope it is worth it, have to say it is rather hot in the mouth!
our free/assisted prescriptions are due to end here in August due to the Balearic government owing the chemists 3.5€m . I've always paid towards mine but will have to pay for it all soon, will go to doctors and get a cheaper BP one (not Enalapril makes me cough!)
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Dh back from dialysis and feeling wobbly, has taken meds and gone to bed, keep your fingers crossed for us.
Everything's crossed for DH Woofy and thanks for your kind words earlier x
Oh dear poor Mr woofy too, hugs for him! x and you woofy!

I have to admit to enjoying this Saturday as I do not have to drive anyone anywhere at anytime!
Just popped in. Hope both Mr W and Mr S will feel better soon. Thinking of all of you.

Good for you Neti have a rest. Hope you're feeling better too Lottie.

Yes Robi terrible news in Norway. I think they have caught a man who has done it. I hope so anyway.
awful isn't it, all those innocent youngsters, all in the name of stupid politics!!
Fingers crossed for you woofy x

I must stop browsing internet shops, it just makes me want things.. lots and lots of things.
I must stop window shopping for the same reason. Some days you just wanna spend, spend, spend (well I do) Treated Mr N and myself to a packet of Ginger Nut biscuits, little things please little minds!
There is an open air concert down by the sea tonight and they are setting it up now and it is so loud, unless Mr N and I wander down, we will have to close all doors and windows for a chance to hear TV or each other for that matter.
Hi folks
All quiet at Shaneytowers .Well it is now since "Mr Shifter the stuff sifter "has gone with his food parcel :)
Mr S. much better today thanks.Hope Mr Woofy soon feels better too and have everything crossed .

Well yoohoo Vinny you old blighter,nice to see you :) Hope you're all well in Wooly .If I'd known you were coming I'd have boiled an egg :)

This thing in Norway is dreadful. Poor people .It's such a lovely country .

I don't know what the weather is like where you all are but it's very chilly here and blowing a gale .More like October .
Have a nice evening all .Take care .
Any suggs for where I can get a nice outfit for a May wedding? I fancy something in Aqua colour, trousers, top and dipped hemmed jacket all matching (sort of floaty not not too much so) and not expensive cos I'll only wear it the once.
Just checked Debenhams online and it is so frumpy, can't be doing with that.

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