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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Oh come on Lofty . You are neither fat nor ugly .
I know how you feel with the painful days .
I have very painful days and tbh the weather at the moment isn't helping .Up and down like Tower Bridge .In fact I had to take 600mg last night but I'm not keeping anyone updated
I'm sure once the wedding date approaches you'll feel better and come on now ,you've bought all these lovely clothes to wear !
Just think of me .Most of the conversation in this house revolves piddling times and bag changing and we have to schedule everything around all this palaver .It's all a load of sh&te really !
Chin up gal .KBO.
You don't look either fat or ugly in your photos but I don't suppose that's really the problem, is it. You're a nice cheerful person on AB, with a witty sense of humour. Can you be that person for the duration of the wedding?
Lottie, Shaney & Jno say it all. My little bits in an email x
Just a quick hello and goodnight to everybiddy. Had a good day today in Ashbourne with my cousin and his lady bus as Robi says it was to cool to sit byt the river outside their back door. Still we had a good chat over tea and cake for a few hours.
Have a peaceful and painfree night all.That includes me tonight cos last night I kept getting cramp and having to jump out of bed to sort it out then I had to go for a P which annoyed me as I don't aften get out to go there.

Anyway - see yer later 'gater(s)
yep, c'mon Lottie, I feel scraggy & bedraggled somedays but unless I look in the mirror it's everyone else's problem & not mine :o). I go on a downer when I've got a formal do to endure too, fortunately there aren't so many now.
Chin up, soon be Christmas :o)

oops, thats done it...nite all
> > > > >
heavens, Jude, if I want a pee at night I *always* get out of bed!
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Morning all and a bug hug for lottie. If you are fat then I am Nellie the elephant!! Pain is really depressing though and skews your outlook, well it does mine anyway.
We are kbo'ing, just quite busy. DH is on new meds to manage the radiotherapy side effects, which they do but need to be taken to a rigid time schedule and he needs to rest for an hour after each dose as the first thing they do us make you a bit wobbly. He can only eat and drink when the dose is really high in his system otherwise it won't stay down and he's a bit tired anyway so the house is running like the Swiss railway ATM. My Sis is being her usual wonderful self....she vacuums and does the housework so I can focus on DH and she keeps me cheerful too.
I have got a funny story about Shughy, will tell you's tablet time
shiite, just typed a long post and it's gone!

Dear Lottie, you are not fat and ugly, I am and it doesn't worry me. Now cheer up. As jno says you are a very cheerful person on here. We all have our ups and downs and that is what the biddies are here for. I usually dread going to a "do" almost panic, but then find that I enjoy them when I am there. It'll be those knickers that are doing it, get em orf and put on the cotten midis and all will be right again.
I just cannot imagine the lives that woofy and shaney are living at the moment, you are both very strong and wonderful wives.

Hi to the rest of us.
Off to the dentist again today, let's hope she fixes in the tooth and all will be finished. I am fed up with the amount of times I find myself out in the village without my tooth!!
Good luck at the dentist Neti .I hope they finally sort out your toothy.
I'm sitting here waiting for the gardener but I think rain may stop play . Grey and drizzling atm .
I hope it clears up soon as my bushes badly need trimming .

Hopefully the new medication does the trick Woofy and things soon settle down .
Big wave to you all and I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning Lofty .
See you later folks .
Thank you all so much. I really did feel at an all time low, not helped by chronic IBS as well as the itisisisisisisis. You are a fantastic bunch.

I had strewn nearly my whole wardrobe all over the bed and decided that I looked a total mess in everything. I am very aware of a bend in my back and my fat (yes it is fat) midriff.

I had got myself in an awful state of mind and poor Mr LL had to take the consequences when he got in. Good job he is used to me!! Thinks OK this morning. I went to bed at 8.30pm and slept until 7.30 this morning, dosed up with Ibuprufen and Paracetamol.

I shall be OK, in fact I feel more positive already. You are so lovely and say lovely things about me. My outer self tends to hide a lot of the real me. I'm a bit twisted up inside!!

Enough of me

Neti good luck at the Dentists - and you are not fat in any way. Size 12 trousers and size 14 knickers - that's not fat!!!

And so what if any of us are fat we are all lovely ladies who love life.

Hope Mr W drug regime sorts itself out quickly Woofie. Glad your sis is about!! Sometimes I wish I had a lovely sister - in fact can I adopt you all as sisters!!

Off to hairdressers at lunchtime to be trimmed and highlighted.
Hello all. Cold and windy morning here. Just had to fetch a cardi I'm that cold.
I agree with Neti, Shaney and Woofy,you are both such lovely ladies coping so well with your dear husbands. I hope the meds work well too Woofy.

Lottie, keep your chin up, missing your cheerful chat! and the photos of your latest new clothes. Come back soon.

Good luck at the dentist Neti. You must get sorted this time, surely. I just did a long post like you but deleted it by accident so this is a short version which you'll all be pleased about. ;¬)

Lol Jno, I got the joke about me getting out of bed. Last night was a better one didn't get out once for anything. 'To P or not to P that is the question'

Hi Robi how yer doin' today? - cold and windy innit!
Not forgetting Dolly not heard from you lately!
Ooops or Vin - Hope you're battling on too.

Laters 'gater(s)!
Lottie Hiyer......... We crossed in the post. So pleased you are back. X
Morning all...ooh, it's 'orrible, cold and windy BUT next week's looking to be warm, low 20's C, and settled...wooo!
And I won a tenner on the lotto...more wooo! :o)

lol @ jno's pee comment to Jude...I was more intrigued by her cousin's lady bus. Maybe a posher biddy bus? ...we're rotten aren't we Jude, taking the p out of you, we knew what you meant. :o)

Keep up the regime woofy, sounds like you've got it all under control.

And good luck at the dntst neti, hope you'll have a dazzling smile this time.

Oh dear the new Next catalogue's arrived, bang goes me tenner ...when I've recovered from the hernia I got from picking it up off the doorstep and moved some dust about I'll have a flick through it.
Hi Robi. I can take it!! If I can take my Dad saying 'Ooo Look Jude that sparrers come for his legs back' when I was a kid, I can take anything. I do make some funny type os that I'm tempted to leave them in sometimes!

New next eh! you've set me off will have a look on line now.
Heelloo !! I now have a beaming smile, at last it is all over, must admit the falsie feels rather strange and now as I cannot take it out will have to nibble my food genteely! I have the spare ferula (that plastic thing) for "just in case". Am now saving up to have them cleaned as they have tea stains and look awful. It,s amazing how natural it looks.

<<<< Beams at all biddies, and beams again! >>>>

(You just know it's gonna fall out again though don't you??)
jude, a happy email awaits you!
Watched The Hour and am not completely sure of what is happening!
Still beaming.........................

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