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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Yeah til tomorrow at 7am then it starts again, mustn't forget to take bag out of car, I always have my Residencia and driving licence in bag and we get arrested if stopped and cannot produce them. Mr N thinks that his van will be ready by Thurs/Fri and hija is of on Wed and Thurs so I can have a lie in!
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ooof I have had ALCOHOL so take no speronsibility for my answers.
I am a strong sweet mint tea fan...two or three bags in a mug and a lot of sugar then steep for about 4 minutes. Its very relaxing before bed.
Posh jacket Shaney its a pain when you miss stuff isn't it?
I am a HUGE book fan and find it very hard to get rid of e books too
make the most of the rest Neti, you will deserve your lie ins.
I will read the thread properly tomorrow....night night my good friends
Goodnight Woofy, Thinking about you both. See you tomorrow.
g'night's looking promising for tomorrow, hopefully we'll all feel brighter.
Goodnight Robi and Everybbidy else. I'm going to watch the telly would you believe.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Some little blighters have just set our lane on fire (3rd time this month) luckily the fireman who lives next door was there hosing it out. Our hose doesn't reach that far!
Oh Dear Neti. Do you know who they are.

Well I had a glass of red wine with my dinner and it has gone to my head and also made me very tired. Mr LL is watching New Tricks and I am going to bed.

Out for lunch tomorrow with friend. Well just a scone and coffee at lunch time in her lunch break actually, and a nice natter.

Have a good night everybody.

Did nothing today and have felt tired all day although it was overcast. Going to bed now, hija home and safe so I'll get a good night's sleep until 7am.

Good night x
Absolutely piddling down here atm :(
Just watched New Tricks ,Very good .

Wishing you all a peaceful night .

Now ,repeat after me Woofy, ten times,as quickly as possible ...."The Leith Police Dismisseth Us " :0)
Morning all.

Back in bed having driven hija to work!

♫ Spinning around....♫ for woofy!

shaney how is Mr S these days?

Now lottie and shaney do your OH's have to have residencia or whatever and carry ID? or are they British now?

Hi Robi hope you are feeling better.
Waves to jno, jude and Dolly

Wonder what happened to Vinny?
Mornin' all...grey and damp at the moment.

Not sure if I'm better or not yet neti, I tend to start the days reasonably well & then it suddenly comes back from mid morning onwards...sticks crossed 'cos I have things to do. My hair desperately needs washing, kitchen floor's filthy & there are cstrds to be purchased.

Yes, I miss Vinny and his buffering stories...p'raps one of those pipe smokin' Wooly women have got him locked up under the stairs.
Morning all
Dry at the mo ' .So I'll get it together and toddle into town later.
If they haven't got the jacket I can get some spuds instead.

Mr S is OK thank you Neti apart from still having a catheter . Still waiting to hear about a date for his operation.

Mr S is still a German Neti .He holds a German passport .He used to have to carry a card years ago and report to the police from time to time and was only allowed to be here for so many days in a year but not anymore .

It's the Germans now who want proof of identity . He has to have a form rubber stamped every six months to say that he's still alive because of his pension .
Yes I miss our Vinny .Perhaps he's being held hostage in Superbug while they force Becks upon him :)
Have a good day all .Take care .See you later .
Hi Nets. Mr LL had no nationality at all until the age of 7 ('nationality unknown') At 7 he had British Nationality so no problems these days. Problems until the 70's though which i won't disclose on here.

Anyway, good morning. Sunny and warm here at present. Am going to do a bit of clearing up and then am out to lunch and Morrisons, then back to the garden (It will probably be tipping it out by that time).

See you later.

Mr LL was born in Germany, Nets in a DP camp in Bavaria.
Oh lottie, yes I seem to remember. Have been to Bavaria, it's nice these days!!!

Well wouyld youbelieve it, hija forgot half her unifor (the scarf and identity badge) so instead of lazing in bed which I was enjoying, I had to rush to get dressed and down to bus stop where I saw the 9.15 bus leave, so had brekkie in a bar and caught 9.45 bus (I thought I saw a 9.30 bus leave) was told there wasn't a bus til 10am! gor to es cana at 10, found a short cut missing out all the hill climbing, gave hija her stuff walked back expecting to get the 10.30 bus and there was a 10.15am bus so hopped on and back in S:E: at 10.30! so mosied around town, got a dental appointment and did the lottery ( well 20€ which I might win is better than a poke in the eye with a short stick!) Now home and thought we'd had burglars as my bed was all messed up, realised that I hadn't bother to make it (so unlike me!) Now doing the housework.
Your daughter is one lucky girl Nets to have a Mum like you!!! I hope she really appreciates your worth.
Not at all lottie, she's spoilt rotten but that is our fault not her's.
Does she still see the DJ from Barcelona?
ah, morning all, Sky was out for 12 hours so no internet or phone though we could still watch telly. I don't know if it was a result of the downpour last night or a side effect of the Sun website being hacked in the Murdoch wars or what but it covered quite a wide area.

Sunny now. Rain later, obviously.

Hope everyone's well or at least improving.
I would have spoiled my son, but he wouldn't let me!! He became very independent after going to boarding school. Sometimes I feel I have lost him a bit, although I am sort of grateful that he is so capable and doesn't need me. Mum's need to be needed :o(

I still get cuddles though!! He lives two miles away and I see him quite rarely these days - but he is always there if we are in a muddle with anything.

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