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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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oh dear, all this putting yourself on hold while you wait must be terribly exhausting, woofy. Nothing I can say really except KBO and I hope things look better in the morning.

Another rainy day here followed by another sunny evening - it's only doing this to annoy me.
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Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts. Doc has just been and confirmed that it is side effects of the rt and nothing nastier. He has prescribed one lot of meds and if that hasn't worked in about 40 mins we are to phone back and he will come back and give an injection.
The out of hours docs we get are really first class I am glad to say.....I am going to play stupid arcade games and wait.....once the med has worked, he has to eat a little. The dog's think it's their birthday being allowed to run round the garden in the dark.
that's a relief. Do people's doctors still visit? The only odd occasion we've needed one over the last 10 years we've got one from NHS Direct, but I don't know if they're still going or not. At least if our GP had to make his own visits it'd give him something to do with his Mercedes.
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this is a service paid for by the PCT. GP's can cover their own out of hours and be paid for it or decline and the PCT buys in the service. The original providers were dangerous and useless but the current lot seem to be very good indeed.
NHS Direct (spit) are only telephone services now, they don't provide any docs or clinics.
Morning all

Woofy I hope things are calmer there now and that Mr W is sleeping happily. I did have a with with him upstairs lat night!
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Morning all, the meds have worked to a degree but not really enough....he has had second dose so it's a bit wait and see. Ifhe hasn't improved in a couple of hours I will phone the doc again. thanks Neti I know it all helps.
Morning all...grey and damp, yesterday was a washout in every way (ended up with a migraine) but poor mr w seems to be having a far worse time. So sorry he's poorly woofy & a real strain on your nerves. Hang on in there, blame the 'fluence of the full moon, it will pass soon. x

Hope the rest of you are all ok & haven't been washed away, it was so bad at one point the whole road was awash.
oh, joy, that worked reasonably quickly.
Just been all round the (tiny) island and decided we couldn't wait for lunch out, so have bought lots of fruits and a lovely crusty bread so we will indulge at home, it is way too hot for mithering about. Have I have collect hija at 4pm then can relax for the rest of the day!

Robi, hope you are feeling better, and Mr Woofy too of course.
Thinking off you and MrW, Woofy, and hoping that all goes well. Love to you both. Will look in later to check progress.

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We progress slowly. Touching wood, liquids and painkillers are staying down and he is out of bed and downstairs. So grateful for your good thoughts. Xxx
Nice news Woof. Have a nice restful day, the pair of you. Just try and chill. Difficult I know. Hopefully Mr Woof on the up now - soon be out on that bike again!!
And hope your migraine has eased Robbi. I am still recovering from yesterday!!
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Sorry Robi ad Lottie, I only skimmed the thread, I hope you two are on the up again as well....miserable wet day here. The boys are being real stars.
Ooooh, this is where we are going to the Wedding and Reception on Thursday week

and staying here for the night

Two days of the good life!!!!
Oh poor Woofies . I hope things soon settle down for you both .Take it easy both of you x
Not a bad day here ,sun in then out and I've bunged some washing out in hope .
Hope everyones feeling OK today otherwise .
That all looks very swish Lofty .
A friend of mine used to live Guilford .Nice place .She's in America now !

Are they using predictive text on here now ? I seem to be typing but as I hit the keys the letters appear later than I type them if you get what I mean :)
Or is my computer about to blow up ?
Hi shaney, tbis is happening to me also but also on FB so guess it'snothing to do with AB.
Hope all my friends are feeling better today expecially Mr. W and Woofy. Hope the meds are working now and that you haven't had to send for the Dr again.
I've been to see Steady (youngest - that's what his friends call him not me but I had to find a name for him on here) and I've found this little song he sang on Youtube. Hope you don't mind me giving it an airing on here but i think he sings this well. A bit woeful but smooth.

My text has gone very small and i when I put largest text on view it wont change - anybody any ideas please?
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quick pop in to say (clutching a piece of wood THIS big) that the meds are working and we may have turned the corner. DH is dozing in his chair so can't listen to the music vid.

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