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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
884 Answers
Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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I've sent you all some iccies via e-mail but judges has been returned to me!
What?? I have sent piccies, but jude's has been returned. I have found her new email now.
Still getting jude's email returned. Jude can you email me and not with a pdf file?
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Very glam Neti .Mick looks well :)
Peace and love
Lovely pics hippibiza :)

It's slightly warmer outside than in but still too Octoberish for me.
it's been bucketing down here, a solid green stripe on the map coming from Normandy and heading for Norfolk. But I'm not going out today, so no need to sed out the RNLI
hello, the rain got into my tinternet and jammed everything solid. Lovely Icci's Neti. We had the weather from 5 am till 2pm :(
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It arrived in Norfolk hours ago and is still here sloshing down little or much.
A real tomatina cuppa soup day...with chs sarnie of course .
I had a lamb hotpot, made from scratch.... somebody, somewhere in the UK
weather all gone and no forecast for it to come back any time soon Hoorah!!
A restful day tomorrow then the resumption of normal life!!
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The deluge has finally stopped...hooray.It was bad enough here but apparently parts of Norwich got it much worse and there was some serious flooding. I'll be doing me washing tomorrow as it's forecast dry and breezy.
Deep joy.
humph. The weather fairy has obviously got it in for me. We had another storm whizz over at 5am, it was like someone throwing water and gravel at the windows. By the time I had comforted the dogs I was awake and needed coffee so here we are, dogs asleep and me wide awake again.
Good morning all, friends go back tonight which is just as well, can't take much more fiesta-ing. Went out for dinner last night to what used to be the best restaurant but I wasn't impressed, wore my new long black dress, very elegant, but we were so tired (Mr N is rebuilding a wall that came down in the floods and it's too damned hot for building anything!) so we were home by 23.30 and I fell asleep straight away! We are taking them for lunch as I'm not cooking in this heat. Then they trot to airport at 8pm and I shall sink back into my quiet old life. It's been great having them here though.

4 weeks time and hija arrives, and now she want to take me for drinks on Ibiza port, sushi dinner and the closing of Pacha Flower Power, lawd help me!!
We should be able to see Planet Mars tonight at 00.30, I would liek to stay awake but very much fear that I won't.
Morning all...I can't see mars but amazingly I can see the sun this morning. It's not warm though, a measly 12C.
I'd better drag myself out before it rains, I could do with some wd40...for my creaking joints.
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Morning all
Rain starting in 68 mins ,Grrrrr. Not long put a line of washing out .
Accu said it was going to be dry.Fibbers.
another great strip of raintoday across Normandy but it seems to be heading NE and giving me a miss. Looks as if there may be a little sprinkle over Norfolk but nothing much. I am going to a lecture on Covent Garden this pm (can't exactly remember why I booked but it probably looked interesting at the time).
hello everyone......zzzzzzz
really quite warm and sunny out there now; I hope things are brightening up elsewhere too
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It has Jno and we didn't get the sprinkles that you forecast .
It's lovely out there atm and all washing done and dry. Hooray!

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