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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
884 Answers
Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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yes you gotta laugh. Hot and humid here. Yesterday we had hail forecast for Monday but they seem to have changed their minds. I have woken up with a neadache, I think its the weather I never used to get then so often.
Good morning, got everso hot and humid here again, absolutely draining. My sinuses are really playing up, head all fuzzy, voice has changed, what can I do about it, am taking (old) sinutab, have tried inhaling menthol vapours, am totally fed up!
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Hello all
Very warm and humid here .Rain on the way though so my screaming joints tell me.I don't need Accuweather .I might just set up my own weather site.I'll think I'll call it Jaccuweather.
Can you get loose camomile flowers there Neti ? If so put a really good handful in a bowl of boiling water , towel over head and inhale .
One Foot in the Grave Robinia ? I don't believe it !
One of my favourite sitcoms.
lol shaney...I uttered that very phrase several times yesterday. :)

It's the same here neti, just not quite as hot, although the temperatures climbing fast. I've had a permanent sinus/Muslim head for weeks but inhaling anything apart from plain steam makes me worse. Sometimes a cold compress above my eyes helps, as does sipping chilled water.
I grabbed a few things at the shops...let's just say I think they ought to replace the sweets and goodies by the tills with soap and shower gels.

still hot here to but at least the storm has gone over. oight oight all
A'noon...very warm here but the breeze is keeping it nice.
I think I've shrunk/shrinked/shrank. I went in the garden for half an hour and when I came back in everything seemed higher. :)

Can you still buy candy sweet cigarettes? I keep fancying some...but they must have the red dot on the end and I think they stopped that years ago. I might have to ask shaney to help me out there. :)
weathwr kicked off again at 0.6.30 and more forecast for tomorrow, gone beyond funny now.
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Hello all
Nice so far ,warm but a nice breeze .My internet keeps crashing.I must have switched on and off a dozen times this morning until it decided to get going.I could have done with a sweet ciggie myself ,bloomin' Virgin.
If you find any I'll colour them in for you Robinia :)

you need some red food colouring to add the tips on.
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How very naughty of you Woofy to put that link up :)
Oooh ginger creams and spearmint pips .
oh lordy, hahaha, I wonder if they taste the same? We could have one in between all our fingers and toes and by xmas we'll have no teeth.

Funnily enough shaney my internet's been really slow this past few days...someone must be standing on our wires. :)

It's raining here, it has been for a while. The garden needs it.
parma violets!!
well I've never heard of it but it looks like this is the answer to all of our ills
our local nursery has a sort of deli section and they sell the Mrs Fitzpatrick cordials. The Rhubarb and Rosehip is a bit scented for my taste but their lime and lemongrass is delicious.
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I find whisky very useful as a blood tonic .
It sends a rush of blood to my head .
Clouded up here now ,monsoon any minute according to Jaccu.
lol...and often known as 'f'ccu when they get it wrong. :)
Evening folks, I have finally had enough of this unbearable heat, just couldn't cope today, we all went for a paella but all I wanted to do was sleep, felt so uncomfy in clothes, wanted all the underwear et al off, so glad we decided to come straight home after and I swam and then took to my cook bedroom for the rest off the day. I am going to Pacha all night on Tues, no idea how I am going to cope!

Hope you are all ok, will be back soon.
its cooler here tonight and not raining. We are making the most of it before 1am when the poo hits the fan again.
Morning...dull and much, much cooler, I was enjoying the warm breeze. Accu says it's going to be a frizzy 'itis week. Oh joy.
Had a rubbish night's sleep, major tinnitus, you could probably hear it where you are.

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Hello all
Sloshing with rain .Looks set in for the foreseeable.How cheerful.
Looks like it'll be an internet window shopping day :)

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