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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
884 Answers
Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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hrrrmmpphh...I forced myself out into the garden and just when I was finally getting into a bit of pottering the bloomin' heavens opened. It did brighten up again but I'd lost the will.

lol @ your reply to the steam press Q woofy...that was my first thought too :)
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Tut....the sprinkles have now arrived but hardly sprinkles ,it's hammering down .
Perhaps our Jno could apply for the weather contract at the BBC now they are going to ditch the Met office .You could call it Jaccuno weather:)
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Rain has stopped .Had enough of it now .
I watched a programme about Prince William of Gloucester on 4 .It was very good and very sad .I remember his plane crashing but didn't really know much about the lady he was involved with at the time .What a handsome chap he was and they were obviously very much in love .
Morning all....bright, sunny, blue skies...and blomin' cold.
I slept between 11.30 and 7 which would have been great if there hadn't been a three hour wide awake interval between 2 and 5. Tut.
I watched William of Gloucester too, what a shame....yes shaney, he was the most handsome man of the royal family I've ever seen.

♫....Some day my prince will come...♫

Actually, don't bother, I don't want one :)
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Morning all
Sunny with blue skies here too .Definite nip in the air though .
Still,it has to be better than that pizzling rain .I hope we've seen the last of it for a while.
Yes he was a good looker Robinia and she was a stunner .They made a lovely couple .Shame about all the protocol just because she was divorced.Nowadays anything goes with the royals.
I missed the William of Gloucester program, must look for it on catch up. We have had a squall come over this morning but happily it wizzed over quite quickly.
very nice and sunny here at present bask bask - but who knows if it will last. My crystal ball says "clouds and sunshine" so I think that covers all bases.
the clouds have now arrived but it is still nice and warm. We are going to dine, with other neighbours, at the home of a local woman who somehow managed to evade planning regulations and build a restaurant in her back garden, and even got the BBC to pay for it (it was some sort of Grand Design, I think). I've no idea how good her cooking is but I will know in a few hours.
Well I'm like one of those weather-house dolls.....pops out...rains a bit...pops back in...
In or out it still isn't warm enough so I've put about £600's worth of Weird Fish clothes in a basket and left it :) I wish I had a restaurant in my garden, I'm fed up of wondering what to have/what suits me.

Morning/afternoon/evening! On my 11th load of washing today! washed 3 beds, dried and ironed them, did normal washing, did settee throws and cushion covers,pool towels, guest towels, so much, can't believe it. Sprayed the house when I went out for a coffee and on my return there was a huge upsidedown cockroach kicking its legs about, I hate the things, so knowing Mr N was out for the day, I bravely hoovered it up into Henry and left it running for ages in case it tried to get back up, sealed the end of the tube with plastic and put Henry outside for Mr N to empty on his return. I've made a pancetta and tom sauce to go with ravioli, am shattered, still got fold up bed to wrap in plastic before I store it in storeroom and get room ready for hija.

I shall miss my friends as we had a great time, but it is nioce to have the house back again and can pop to the loo whenever!
34º today, so I suppose that is something, but don't know what! Just been so hot lately.
Haven't you been the entire time they were there neti? :)
Yes I have but only did minimal housework as he is rather large and would sit in the lounge all the time, and he sweated so had to wash everything.
well, that was a jolly nice meal. Very interesting pavilion across the back garden, too; Diarmuid Wossname had something to do with it. Attended by members of the neighbourhood gardening club, book club and other worthy organisations (I must have been one of the youngest there), and we're all agreed to do it again in December. The pavilion is open fore and aft but has doors that can be closed (so useful for December weather) and a roaring wood fire inside.
Morning all...looks very nice out there, hopefully it'll be one day without rain.

I'm very tired and my eyes twitching again, it's been about 3 days now on and off. I couldn't sleep and was up at 3am on the hunt for vine weevils, ugh! horrid things. I had the same thing happen about this time last year, got rid of all my houseplants apart from a couple which I repotted and thought I'd sorted it. Tut. They must be hiding somewhere during the day but I've no idea where. Good thing I'm not a wuss about creepy crawlies.

Very nice jno, I hope the food was all home grown by the gardeners.
Btw neti..when I said 'Haven't you been....' I meant been to the loo :)
vine weevils? Are you sure were actually awake and not dreaming? Hunting vie weevils at 3am sounds nightmaris to me.

Going to be a passing shower today, just to dampen the spirits at Carnival and remind everyone they're not in Jamaica any more.
agh! Bank holidays! Every crazy driver and his wife are out there, the main road's bumper to bumper. Anyone heading into/across the city would have a quicker journey if they walked...backwards.

Sadly not dreaming jno...they're nocturnal so it's the best time to catch 'em. My dream, when I got back to sleep, was about a fancy dress party I was hosting. Dozens of people but most of them I didn't know. I wasn't dressed up (so unlike me), instead I was busy tending to the garden. Tarquin and Moondust had both come as Bonnie Prince Charlie.
I blame this full moon.
What a nuisance Robi. I had a lovely lewisia collection that I lost to vine weevils. I have had them in the garden since then and beat them with a 3 pronged attack. I emptied pots, threw away every scrap of soil and washed the roots of the plants, replanted with new compost and drenched the pots with nematode, also I sprayed everywhere with provo vine weevil killer. Indoors, i 'd also be vacuuming the shelves and window ledges where the plants are. I tried and failed to get rid of mealy bug indoors. Finally nailed it when I washed down all the windowledges and frames where the so and sos were hiding.
there appears to be a big band of raintoday about to blast Hampshire before moving on to my street in 97 minutes. I may just stay inside for a while.
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Hello all
21C and sunny here .The world and his wife are bumper to bumper along the road here too.By the time they reach their destinations in Norfolk it'll probably be raining the traffic is so slow.
Hope you're all ok .
I had some lovely pots of African Violets,split and grown on until some sort of weevil got them.
Picky here mowing the lawn and doing a few other odd jobs for us so am on tea and butty duty .
The restaurant sounds lovely Jno but what did you have to eat ?

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