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My boss said to me: "Why do you come out in a rash when I give you your wages?"
I said: "It's because I'm allergic to peanuts!" ___ Stupid driver next to me is putting on makeup!
I was so shocked I... ...
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Fancied a microwave ready meal for lunch and it said pierce film in several places. So far I’ve been to Prestatyn, Rhyl, Llandudno and now on my way to Anglesey and still haven’t eaten. How many... ...
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I was going to cook a surprise Korean meal for the wife today.
But someone let the cat out of the bag! ___ Went to see a fortune teller last week and she told me a lot of money would be coming my... ...
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I'm developing a new method of air crew training.
It's just a pilot scheme at the moment. ___ I watched a series about a tennis bribery scandal.
It was on Net fix. ___ I’m going to a deodorant party... ...
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Tonight's quiz link below. Staring at 6pm (British time)   ...
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Last Christmas I got my wife some I speak your weight scales.
She got on them & it said "1 person at a time" ___ Do I like to make maths-related jokes?
Sum times. ___ Police were suspicious when the... ...
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I have been teaching my dog to fetch tools from my workshop…
He's not perfect, but he knows the drill!

For my age I have a lot going for me…
My eyes are going, my knees are going, my back is... ...
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Please be very careful on the roads over the Christmas period!
A lot of men will be drinking and allowing their wives to drive .

If the world's population where to hold hands along the equator a... ...
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I collect a lot things related to antique implements of torture and execution, so when a French guillotine basket turned up for auction, naturally I was interested.
However, when it came to the... ...
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I‘m moving to Greece, should I take my Sky dish with me or just smash it on the floor?

Went to the Dr the other day because I’ve started growing a tail,my feet are forming into trotters,I can’t... ...
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Murphy drops a slice of buttered toast on the kitchen floor and it lands butter-side-up. He looks down in astonishment, for he knows that it's a law of nature of the universe that buttered toast... ...
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I dig, you dig, we dig,
he digs, she digs, they dig.
It's not a beautiful poem, but it is very deep.

The wife said 'lets go out and have some fun tonight'.....
I replied 'okay - but if you are home... ...
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What is a doctor who specializes in Adam's apples called.
A guyneckologist.

Had a really bad dose of flu, sore throat, total memory loss.
I was hoarse with no name.

Quizmaster - Where is Santa... ...
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QUIZ of the week tonight at 6pm   ...
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Lance isn't a common name these days.
But in medieval times, people were named
Lance a lot.

Job advertisement: burrowing rodent required.
Should I gopher it?

Quibbled over the price of Ulysses... ...
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A not-so-bright girl is flying in a plane when her pilot keels over. She calls out: "Mayday! Mayday! My pilot is dead!"

Air traffic control responds, "Don't worry, I'll talk you through this.... ...
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Teacher: I set the class an essay to write about 'My Dog'.
Johnny: Yes sir!
Teacher: Well I think you cheated!
Johnny: No Sir!
Teacher: Then how come your story is word for word the same as your... ...
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My daughter rang me last night and the conversation went like this.
Her: "You know that Gladiator movie I bought you for Christmas?"
Me: "Yeah."
Her: "Wind it forward one hour, sixteen minutes and 28... ...
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Finished work late the other night, so I popped into a pub on the way home.
I asked someone where I could get a drink and they pointed upstairs.
I got up there and I asked why I had to climb stairs... ...
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God: "Whew! I just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness of Earth."
Angel: "What are you going to do now?"
God: "Call it a day."

A guy walks into a bar and there is a horse... ...

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